St. Hughes Ward

Gwyfned City Wards

Also called the Ecclesiastical Ward or the Cathedral Ward, St. Hugh’s in Lower City abuts St. Grinsale’s Ward to the east, and the San Louise Ward to the southeast. It is on Ringe Taern’s northwest shores, and within the city walls, which includes Salearr’s Gate, Gwyfned’s west gate onto Brighton Pass. It once was walled independently, and still partially walled off from St. Grinsales, although much of this wall has been taken down or incorporated into the buildings around it.
Within the city, St. Hugh’s includes Market Street in the south, and Royal Street to the east. This ward is home to fabulously wealthy clerics, the affluent clerics that serve them, master craftsmen and their workshops, and merchant princes. Many master craftsmen who work for the church keep homes here, too.
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Constable—Oedwyn Burnside
  • Master Goldsmith—Aglovale Ayers
  • Master Lapidary—Aldere Bhargest
  • Master Physician—Dr. Merik Feast
  • Master Plumber—Aliamore Dale
  • Brothel of Women of Ease (Good)—Procurer Ninnetta Potter
  • Chartered Tapestry Mill and Monopoly of Gwyfned (World Class)—Warden Baudet Walter
  • Cloister of Canons Regular of St. Morlite (Gwyfned Basilica’s diaconate)—Dean Bertran Foreman
  • Cullip Auction House (For Magical and Rare Items)—Auctioneer What Cullip
  • Friar’s Knockers Inn (Good)—Innkeeper Aubert Gaylor
  • Green Man Inn (Good)—Innkeeper Aldreda Sorter
  • Grotto of Grace Brothel (Excellent)—Procurer Beylor Boyers
  • Gwyfned Basilica—Great pilgrimage destination
  • Cardinal Metropolitan Primate of Gwyfned Eugenius Falk,
  • Auxiliary Metropolitan Primate of Gwyfned Theophanus Grote
  • Margaret’s Garden of Secret Delights Brothel (Excellent)—Procurer Margaret Plimsoll
  • Merchant Adventurer’s Guildhall—Warden Arnoul Grange
  • Mystonian Temple—Perceptor Morselle Cogbill
  • Primate’s Arms Tavern (Excellent)—Vintner Ranulphus deMalby
  • Primate’s Palace—Cardinal Metropolitan Primate of Gwyfned Eugenius Falk
  • Salearr Ascendant Tavern (Good)—Vintners Neustrande Leach and Posy Boardsman
  • Salearr’s Gate—Captain of Gate Guard Ancelet Nash
  • Shirim Temple—Rabbi Eleasar ben Becker
  • Sissily’s House of Red Lanterns Brothel (Good)—Procurer Sissily Dempster
  • St. Hugh of St. Hughs Church—Fa. Berthelemy Hillman
  • St. Hugh’s North Public Bathing House (Acceptable)—Subaltern Adenin Drapyer
  • St. Hugh’s Private Ecclesiastical Bathhouse (World Class)—Subaltern Amphelise Owler
  • St. Hugh’s South Public Bathing House (Acceptable)—Subaltern Tiggy Bloomer
  • St. Rurik of St. Hughs Church—Fa. Audouin Clarke
  • St. Torrick of St. Hughs Church—Fa. Rober Garters
  • Yeoman’s Bow Inn (World Class)—Innkeeper Honora Day
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