Ultimo aka Ruislan City

Hazard’s Town

Sometimes called Hazard’s Town, this was a Kalthic town in antiquity, but the Karmithians used it as a layover depot and established the basis of its current layout. It’s a major inland port on the Djal River, which is navigable from the Faern Sea in the North to the Arlin Sea to the South. This highland settlement is in the County of Ultimo, the Dutchy of Caindos, in the High Kingdom of Arlium. It is also on Old Street, which connects it to Beeler to the far East by Northeast, and Valags to the far Southwest. The Djal River also ties it to the South, to Lenxos and Barl-by-the-River. The residents are typical of Caindosian highlanders, but they also are secretive, hard to pin down, and more educated and worldly than their more rural Caindosian countrymen. Religious festivals here reach epic proportion, but it seems less about piety than partying. During these festivities, citizens often wear ornate masks and guard their anonymity.
They love playing dice and knuckles, and there is a vibrant music scene here, especially with fiddlers and dancers. Local industry is based on multicolor wools, fine wool products, and freshwater river fishing. While officially non-existent, the Slayer’s Guild is an open secret here. The Slayers’ headquarters lie in Ruislan, and they are the premiere assassins in Aorlis. Ruislan’s crest is an escallop, or on a field of azure and ermine. The city's patron saints are Maeglin the Justicier and Aimery the Mariner. This is a city of prosaic beauty, with numerous (and picturesque) ruins. The cathedral is unfinished, and rumor holds it will always be in a state of construction and expansion. Beneath the city is a virtual honeycomb of forgotten tunnels and cellars, and their origins are lost in time. Painters travel from all over to paint here, where the ruins are so graceful, and the clear highland air lends a vibrancy to color. Indeed, the most innovate schools of painters are to be found here.
Ultimo Russian Crest by Scott A. Story


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