Upper Mockridge Ward

Gwyfned City Wards

Often called Ol’ Mocktown, this ward is up on Mt. Lesson’s slopes, above Hale’s Cross Ward to the west, and on the same elevation as East Hales Cross Ward to the south. This ward was never successful, and it has fallen on hard times. Its crime rate is high, and the buildings and infrastructure appear to be in ill repair.    
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Constable—Andre Sellers
  • Bridget’s Bird’s House Brothel (Acceptable)—Procurer Bridget Temples
  • Emperor’s Long Nose Inn (Acceptable)—Innkeeper Finley Tipper
  • House of Pleasures Brothel (Acceptable)—Procurer Quincell Pomridge
  • Mountain Flower Tavern (Poor)—Vintners Boydin Norbert and Prudence Plasher
  • Or Saltire Tavern (Good)—Vintner Rolaund deMortlande
  • Sally’s Cat’s Harem (Poor)—Procurer Jordan Chapman
  • Servite Friary of Upper Mockridge—Prior Hilt Cruikshank
  • St. Alvoir of Upper Mockridge Church—Fa. Dennis deQuincelle
  • St. Timmaeus of Upper Mock ridge Church—Fa. Judd Tait
  • Upper Mock Ridge Public Bathing House (Poor)—Subaltern Laury Wheeler
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