Whitefeather Ward

Gwyfned City Wards

This ward looms over the far northwestern tip of Upper City, Gwyfned, in a raised area between Mts. Skaeldorr and Chlodhyme, overlooking the settlement below. It twists far enough around the mountain’s flank it cannot be seen directly by people in Low City. These days Whitefeather is essentially one massive building: the original keep dates back to Emperor Torenth, but every few generations Castle Whitefeather has been expanded upon. In the reign of Osrick I, the imperial palace was moved from Hollywell House into Whitefeather. Castle Whitefeather is well fortified, with successive levels of castle reaching higher and higher, but more a palace than fort these days.
Blailock’s Tower defends the castle from Upper City, but its gates are only closed in times of upheaval. As a residence, it is a super exclusive, world-class wealthy estate, and the imperial family, their noble retainers, all those who serve them live here. The castle is haunted by the ghosts of former residents and those who met their ends here. There are hundreds of rooms and chambers, including a jousting parlor, an archery parlor, extensive stables and kennels and every imaginable luxury. There are large offices and quarters for masons, carpenters, and tile theaksters that keep the building in top shape, the king of heralds and his assistants, and other officials.
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Master Carpenter—Ingram Jepson
  • Master Freemason—Jesper Eades
  • Master Theakster—Bunter Hardacre
  • Chalcedony Tower—Separate from the castle, accessed only by a secret postern and perilous stairway, this is covered in more detail “Places of Interest”
  • Dread Tower (Political prison and dungeon)—Chief Gaoler Lambit Cleaver
  • Lords Ordainers’ Tower
  • Randolph Lastonne Iron-Hand—Cardinal Metropolitan Archbishop of Mortonfell
  • Quincy Everarde—Count of Eldruth, Captain of Herlack Castle, Lord Chief Huntsman, Lord Warden of the East
  • Madeline Grayton—Countess of E. Eldton, Lady Warden of the South, Baroness of Brackston
  • Nightengale Tower—Royal Court Astrologer Melena Kamith
  • St. Torenth’s Chapel—Fa. Whitley Dempster
  • St. Tyrell’s Chapel—Fa. Ilbert Chandler
  • St. Wollyn’s Chapel—Fa. Hud Foster
  • Whitefeather Castle (Royal Household)
  • Chief Cook of Gwyfned—Fergus Hurst
  • Imperial Court Alchemist of Gwyfned—Oswald LeDurne the Addled
  • Imperial Court Falconer—Ralph Palmer, Baron of Belltide
  • Imperial Court Jester—Peter Betterwald
  • Imperial Earl Marshall—Gaston FitzOliver
  • Keeper of the Wardrobe of Gwyfned—Godfrey Wiggens, Suffragan Bishop of Lower Dolek
  • King of Arms of Gwyfned—Boniface Chambers
  • Lord High Chancellor of Gwyfned—Theobald Allbaugh, Viscount of Dolek, Baron of Kendroon, Lord Warden of the South and West, Suffragan Prince Bishop of Upper Dolek
  • Master of Ceremonies of Gwyfned—Hugh Routhby
  • Master of Squires of Gwyfned—Frasir Weallan
  • Master of the Horse of Gwyfned—Eustace Red
  • Master of the King’s Works—Carles Gorsuch Master Freemason
  • Royal Physician—Dr. Lucious Brockbank
  • Steward of Whitefeather Castle—Dreward Portly
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