Idioms of Aqualon Tradition / Ritual in Aqualon | World Anvil

Idioms of Aqualon

Well-known Idioms and Sayings

What comes to be will come to naught, but may yet come to be again.
— Greeting and farewell of the Null
Kingdom gone and kingdom come.
— When a magus of sufficient power lays siege to an entire city.
by the gears.
— More commonly used by technocrats and common folk.
by the gates.
— More commonly used by mages and monks.
by the three truths.
— More commonly used by mages and common folk.
May his/her/your soul cycle through the good life
— Wishing a deceased one a kind farewell.

Idioms and Sayings from Aerialis

Three winds' blessing (on you).
— Most commonly used by merchants when greeting or seeing off customers but also by the elderly.
Three winds guide you / three winds guide your path.
— Most commonly used when seeing people off on journeys or just as a flowery form of goodbye.
Three winds speed you.
— Most commonly used to see people off that are on an urgent errand.
The wind of the land is harsh/pleasant this season.
— Used to denote bad or good crops and harvest.
Seek the third wind.
— Used when telling someone to change their ways.
The sea wind smiles upon you.
— Aerialian take on the nordic saying 'your ancestors smile upon you'.
To find one's second wind.
— To find new reserves of strength (as if suddenly reborn).
(Looks like) a second wind is (seems to be) blowing.
— (To women:) When one is thought to be pregnant.
A wind for the son, a wind for the daughter, a wind for the parents.
— An old blessing, wishing for the son to be wealthy, the daughter to be fertile, and the parents to find new things in life when the children are married off.

Idioms and Sayings of the Ocean Belt

Go make a wager!
— This is the worst insult known on the face of Aqualon. While one may think that such a dubious honor would belong to insults pertaining to the offended party's mother, this little sentence actually implies the following: "Go die and have your soul shattered so you may never be reincarnated." Many have regretted saying this in anger. Either because they realized the severity of what they said or because of fists approaching their faces at rapid speeds.
There is a key for every lock.
— This is a threat, implying that the addressed party is not as safe as they may think. When uttered by a magus, it can also be perceived as a threat against one's soul.
To Vinclav's locker with you!
Vinclav's locker is where he presumably keeps his stolen souls. The implication here should be obvious.
Once a gambler, twice a blighter.
— This saying is actually fairly new and comes from the current age, the Age of Gears and Elements. It is a warning against gambling, saying one will become a blighter in the sense that Vinclav will take them, and a second time from the presumable work with magic engines they will then have to do to repay their debts, likely contracting spellblight in the process.


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