Character Creation Rules

1. Ability Generation: Roll 5d6k3, 7 times. Discard the two lowest numbers in exchange for one free 18.
2. Maximum HP at every level.
3. You may take 2 flaws if they are significant to your character. Each flaw will allow you 1 extra feat.
4. Starting gold is 200gp. 
5. You make take 1 regional feat, or two traits at level 1 for free.
6. Starting level is 1, but you may have a maximum of 2LA in some fashion or another.(This room is negated when the party reaches level 3. At that time you may have any LA you want so long as your total ECL does not exceed party level)
7. You will make your sheet on and maintain this as your local/backup sheet.
8. Gameplay will take place on Fantasy Grounds. You can get this for free from or by downloading the demo.
9. If at any time your character dies, and you roll a new one, you may not make a new character of any class you have previously played in this campaign. Try something new!