
Many Gnomi live in small communities scattered across the known Celestial Realm, but the largest community of the small tinkering folk can be found a day’s Raptor flight from the Solustine Kingdom. The Solustine kings granted the Gnomi the Precalion Rock, a long and slender stone shard that they had little use for, and had only ever been used by Raptors for roosting. The clever and inventive Gnomi used the rock they were granted wisely transforming old raptor nests into houses by adding roofs and then mining deep into the rock to create subterranean dwellings. They discovered a strange luminescent ore that ran through the stone and could be harnessed to emit light and heat, giving the Gnomi a level of comfort and habitability that made them the envy of other shivering mortal peoples. Precalion is ruled by a lord mayor, and the current holder of that office is Mothrick Mayne Ol’Dreydan, an elderly Gnomi who initially appears to others as elderly and distracted, but who mind is as sharp as his claws. Mothrick understands the value that the Gnomi of Precalion have for the Solustine Kingdom and other mortal fiefdoms and how the precision weapon smithing and engineering of the Gnomi can preserve his people’s future.

A Fire in the Heart of Knowing

  Our debut Arclands novel is available here. Read A Fire In the Heart of Knowing, a story of desperate power struggles and a battle for survival in the dark lands of Mordikhaan.


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