Annai Ordrish

Era beginning/end


Annai was the troubled daughter of Traedas Ordrish, who grew up desperate for her father's love and recognition. Traedas had one obsession over all else and that was the maintainance of his own personal power. If he had love for his daughter, it was lost over the years as he yearned for greatness, recognition and a legacy of his own. When her father died she married two times, both unhappily, firstly to Yeruthline Kavvar, an old Vannic prince who hoped to re-establish himself in Arc. Annai looked upon him as the father she never had, but he was only capable of causing her misery and betrayal. He died at sea, some have claimed he was murdered by Annai's loyal advisors when his philanderings were revealed. She then married Tovar Andrase, a young knight of Arc from noble lineage. The marriage was looked upon as scandalous, as Annai had married beneath her, but it was cut short when Tovar went to war in Del'Marah and was slain at the battle of Festulys in -2085. As the years passed Annai grew ever more bitter and reclusive, eventually dying in -2040.

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