When Yagand Varraline came to the throne, the war that his father had fought against Dran seemed to be a distant memory. Despite the worst fears of Arcites, Dran had not split the empire, in fact the removal of Dran from the empire had been beneficial for Arc. Not only had the most divisive of the cities in the Arclands ceased to wield any power within the empire, but other city states (Gol, Harenis, Wardenhal and Hothis) rallied to Arc's banner out of a sense of familiarity, but also because their leaders weren't foolish enough to assume that Dran's promises of economic and cultural rejuvination were possible outside the empire. The careful planning of his father's generals had brought about an unexpected economic benefit, the opening of the Prayadine caravan route between Arc and the newly settled lands of Veska. The lands in the east had always been avoided because of the presence of the great, hideous giant creatures, the Gorins. As Veskans slowly fought back the vile creatures, learning the secrets of Gorin Stones, great plains opened up for the cultivation of wheat, maize and for the rearing of cattle. Arcite generals and diplomats recognised that this massive source of food and wealth would would cancel out the insurrection of Dran and reduce its rebellion to an irrelevance.