Hollymont Settlement in Ardre | World Anvil


The High Holy of Hollymont is the religious center of the Milosian Continent. Built as a signal of independence from Monos, Hollymont is the seat of the Lord of Hosts, the Milosian equivalent of the Monosi Prince of Hosts.   Hollymont was intended to unify the Lordslands, but the Host of Hosts is not as pervasive as in Monos. Urudun is split between the Hosts and Satariai, Ethel is quickly embracing the faith of Eysland, and the worship of the Deinain remains strong in Revellia. Practically speaking, the Lord of Hosts more often serves to unite the northern cantons. The Kingsrift has great loyalty to Monos (especially in the north), Bastis is decidedly more Southern culturally, and the Yfri Fields have historically been a powerful imperialist force in the Peninsula, but their largely unified faith in the Hosts allows Hollymont to exert control over the citizens and most lords.
Alternative Name(s)
The High Holy
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization