Tyrano, the Great - 125th King of Kings

Of the Dardramor Dynasty [Sigil: A Black Shield, a Raven resting upon it, upon a Silver Field]   Born Tamero. Ardromor's first son Tyrano died in a riding accident when young, and Tamero took his brother’s name when he assumed the crown (“It sounds more kingly,” he said). Tyrano also broke the tradition of going to Acciano to be crowned, instead being crowned in Vargano by a hostess named Bertolla (called “the King-Smith”), who was well respected in the city. This led directly to the Fourth Terminal Rebellion, which was fought all around (and sometimes on) the Sea of Trials. The Old Faith was losing popularity greatly, so Tyrano achieved immense fame in putting down the rebellion. He also put down the Liar’s Rebellion, when a man claiming to be the son of one of Cenedras IV's imprisoned sons raised an army to take the crown; it was another unpopular rebellion, and Tyrano became even more beloved after victory. This popularity persisted despite the increased authority he gave to the nobility, allowing them to punish and tax their vassals more severely. His kindness to the nobility did not help, however, when he abandoned marriage negotiations with two noble houses to instead marry Avra Ra Calinar, a Zaljan commander that had fought with him in the Liar’s Rebellion. Objections to this union would eventually lead to the Nobles’ Rebellion. Tyrano prevailed again, but Avra Ra Calinar also fought in the rebellion and was slain. Tyrano famously mourned for six years (a holy number to the Zaljans) before remarrying. He had an elder son and twin son-and-daughter from his first marriage. Shocking the court, Tyrano once again married a foreigner: a third daughter of the Prince of Vainan, Elena Brevesse, with whom he had three sons and two daughters. There were more murmurs and complaints, but the lords had learned their lesson. In his later years, Tyrano made frequent pilgrimages to Acciano, leaving the realm in the hands of his eldest son, Prince Elwan. Tyrano died in his sleep at the age of three-and-sixty, at the Holy Isle of Acciano.