Veridin (Vair-ih-din)

Veridin is based on Vecna, and is god of secrets and corruption. He finds his followers among politicians and thieves alike. His form is never the same from encounter to encounter, but he is always an arrogant bully. He chooses to take the form of a goblin.

Divine Domains

Secrets, Corruption, Damnation, Gossip, Rumors, Conspiracy, Banishment, Exile, Fraud, Regret, Guilt, Contrition, Penance, Penitence, Redemption, Remorse, Shame, Absolution, and Espionage.   Veridin, god of corruption and conspiracy, is responsible for secrets, gossip, rumors, and conspiracy in addition to guilt, damnation, redemption, shame, absolution, and penitence. He finds his followers among politicians, murderers, assasins, gossipmongers, and conspiracy theorists. His paladins and clerics are often found in positions which rely on the spreading of rumors or misinformation, such as politics and marketing.  

Granted Divine Powers

Veridin grants divine power to those among his followers who he deems worthy of his gifts. The following spell lists are to be used in trading out any ill-fitting spells from the Trickery Category spell list at the DM's discretion.  


At each indicated cleric level, you add the listed domain spells to your spells prepared. Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.   If you have a domain spell that doesn't appear on the cleric spell list, the spell is nonetheless a cleric spell for you.


You gain access to the following oath spells at the levels specified in the spell table. Once you gain access to an oath spell, you always have it prepared. Oath spells don't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.   If you gain an oath spell that doesn't appear on the paladin spell list, the spell is nonetheless a paladin spell for you.
Divine Classification