
The giant, evil, spider-being who mated with Baugoth and spawned monsters and evil in the First Age. She fought alongside him in the Second Battle and helped him achieve victory. But as the Great Battle approached, Ungloloth betrayed Baugoth, seeking to eat him and absorb his power.   In the original timeline known to The Strangers Baugoth defeated her and punished her, imprisoning her deep underground. In time, she escaped and assumed the name Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders.

Divine Domains

Sindaeri (Drow)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Of Ungloloth, the Bride of Evil

Of old there was Ungloloth. She was of great power and wisdom. Though her true origins are shrouded in mystery and legend. Some conjecture she may have been a Nessa, seduced by the evil of Ahriman ere Cimril Arnoth yet was finished. But that theory is heavily debated among scholars.   Whatever her beginnings in the deep of Time, she was a dark and evil force that hated light and all the works of the Cuenar. Before the Spring of the First Age, when Yllanah awoke the life of Arn, Ungloloth made her abode south and to the east of Loriléfenin. There, in the deep crags of the mountains, she took the form of a monstrous spider and spun her webs of darkness till all light was shut out from her lair.   She mated with Ahriman and spawned monsters and evil in the First Age. She fought alongside him in the Second Battle and helped him achieve victory. Ahriman bestowed upon Ungloloth great amounts of his own power, to strengthen her and to help him achieve his victory. Long after Ahriman was named Baugoth by Mórrelin Gállomir, as the Great Battle approached, Ungloloth ambushed him in the Aral Vélyarond, seeking to eat him and absorb all of his power.  

Betrayal & Punishment

In a close battle, Baugoth was nearly destroyed, but he escaped and, too weak to destroy Ungloloth outright, he tortured her by changing her into what she hated most: beauty. He transformed her into a beautiful Sindaerin woman and imprisoned her in labyrinthine crystal caverns deep within Arn. Filled with wrathful spite, he set aglow the crystals, that they would ever shine upon she who hated light in all its forms. There, her beautiful reflection returned to her a thousandfold and drove her ever further into hatred, despair, and madness. The Aivaeri named the plateau where she was defeated Tabor Úngatal, loosely translated as "the location of the downfall of Darkness".   In time, after Baugoth was cast beyond the Walls of Aaroth, Ungloloth escaped into the tunnels deep below the regular caverns of the world and became the god-queen of the Sindaeri. There, she grew in power and majesty and became Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders.
Divine Classification
God, Demon
This is an amalgam of J.R.R. Tolkien's Ungoliant, from The Silmarillion and Lolth, from AD&D.


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