ˈpyakson genre (/ˈpjakson/)

"I love this music, always makes me want to move!" Shibué was grinning like a child opening presents. On her shoulder, Jor-Jie was moving in time to the music as well.   "I love pyakson! No wonder you both like it too..."   "Oh?"   "Well, considering present company..."   "Out with it?"   "Duh, I forget you don't speak Gohgur."   "No, but you do? Wait, just how many languages do you speak? I know you wouldn't have your job unless you spoke at least three..."   "Twelve. Kagomine, Brescian, Brunswicki, Lollandese, Moniqan Language, Tsou, Nisan, Gohgur, Alessian, NuovaFirenze, Saami and Madagi."   "And this pyakson genre, it means something, I presume?"   "Yeah, it's Gohgur for 'otter', so your green-eyed friend is about the best possible dancer for this song."   "What, there's a music genre for songs for otters to dance to?"   "Well, not quite, but Niota, who was already a mover and shaker in K-Music started his own thing, a softer, kinda alternative take on K-Music, the first song he tried, which landed on animated media for children, of all places, was just called Pyakson, and was about an otter showing off just how evolution advantaged it, with claws, teeth, sleek fur, smooth skin, long tail, best at swimming. In the animated adaptation, Pyakson-chan is the character's magical sidekick. It's inspired quite a following, mostly tune songs, but also encouraging, positive music. It's just barely less popular than K-Music in Kagomei, and it's top in Goguryeo and Nisei, who has their version in Nisan, as well, but also imports Gohgur songs. Jade, put on the music video for Pyakson by Niota, on screen."   "Affirmative, playing Pyakson, by Niota, the original version from 809." The otter's movements on screen were inspiring the life and blood otter to sway and undulate to the music. Shibué realized whoever had designed the dance had done so observing an otter, so finely did it match the normal rate of movement and instinctive gestures of her pet. She joined in, if not quite as nimbly, having more power than entirely needed, for one.   "Woohoo, K-to-the-M, Linni! This is so rad."   "It is kinda fun."   "Click-Click, Dik-Dik."   "Jor-Jie is having so much fun!"   "I thought Dik-Dik was where are the boys at?" Linni tried, wondering if he could tease his herevallin.   "No boys here but you, Linni, and I ain't sharing!"   "Are you having an Akang?" The interloper, a petite brunette with a distinct set of features, was probably not Kagomine, how had she found her way to this room, on the third floor?   "Err, no, apologies, who are you?"   "I am Mweon Hyopcha , I have been invited, by a blood prince..." She held a handwritten letter.   "Kwit Paen?" Linni switched to Gohgur, since that's obviously what she was speaking. Blushing bright red as he did so, he hoped Shibue didn't get the wrong impression, Akang was orgasm, after all, and she was quite pretty, but she had meant it of Jor-Jie, who was having the time of it's young life, dancing... Not other things...   "Myieuk, myal kwit paen hyung mung chi."   "What, who is this woman, Linni?" Shibué's voice was reaching "security protocols" levels of I don't understand.   "Mweon here, is a visitor from Gohgur, she thought Jor-Jie was having a little death, and she is responding to an invitation from a Kagomine."   "There's only a few of those..." Her sarcasm was biting.   "A Blood Prince, currently, that's only one of two persons, and if Shen is inviting grown women over, I don't wanna know..."   "Amarat?"   "Miyeuk, Amarat Kwit Paen."   "Does Flora know?"   "Kwit ˈehael Flora yaek ael chi."   "So she understands Kagomine, but doesn't speak it? Kwit is blood, and Ehael and Paen are prince and princess?"   "Myieuk." Said their guest, Linni biting off a yes just behind her.   "I don't suppose this can wait till after the party?"   Linni heard a buzz in his earpiece, a high level alert.   "Jade, who put in an override at level five on State Department grounds?"   "Authorization Luna-Luna-Foxtrot-567-Occhie-Laga confirmed."   "Who's that?"   "The kwit paen. Seems he put her as a person of interest to Kagomei, do not detain, diplomatic interest only, and she is to be treated as an ambassador of Goguryeo."   "Baeng ˈuhal!"   "Not possible? Yes, quite. But then, with Amarat, quite few things are truly impossible."   "This is so Are!"   "I thought you didn't speak..."   "I speak very little, Kwit Paen was doing all the translating..."


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