EMS Analecta Kagome, Founder-class battlecruiser, Kagomine Flagship

EMS Analecta Kagome Nabiki Kira Carson Takahashi Dandelion Matsumoto

  "Zim-Kon-Zim!"   "Attention to orders!"   "Zim-Zim-Zim!"   "By order of Meihomei, her ship, EMS Analecta Kagomé, is to loiter in Megamisama Harbour for the next two weeks. Upon receiving visitors, she is to raise colours and make ready to sail through Valkyrie bay, to Valkyrie Point, where she will receive further orders. The bearer of these orders is to return by ship's boat to Megamisama. Do you understand these orders?"   "Zim-Kon-Zim!"   "Carry on!"   A few hours later   "You gave them their orders?"   "Yes, why is it important?"   "You're above quota, you have to be seen doing things like a NCO above quota, being noticed by Meihomei, shipping her orders around, examining her soldiers."   "Give me a break."   "No seriously, cousin, you need to do this."   "I know, but that's my father-in-law! Can you say awkward?"   "Andei Dandelion, NFOF-08 Taimine , that underachiever, the one they all look down at family meetings? And not that they know, but father of your herevallin, who as a FFOF-09 is in a heavier weight class than he is?"   "Hey, as a CI-08 Vice-undersecretary you don't outrank my hérévallin."   "In time of peace, I do, in time of war, she outranks me,, as it should be. Not that I'm unused to family outranking me, cousin."   "Hey, it wasn't my idea, you and Linny are the most level-headed people I know. I know that smile, you know something I don't..."  
"We are gathered here on my ship today by order of Meihomei, all of those in the order of Kagomei, and and the Meritants of Honour. the few who we lower our eyes to."   "I must ask, Meihomei, by what necessity are you driven? All here are busy, important people, doing key roles in your empire."   "The necessity of recognition. All here are gathered to welcome and recognize the newest members of the order of Kagomei. I have spoken, and it is an Edict. I call forward Amarat Dunkehl Junior, Secretary of the Order of Kagomei."   "Meihomei, I am here, I see and hear, I am the valour keeper's eyes, I see all. I see valour, I see honour, I see meritorious conduct, I see dedication, loyalty and sacrifice."   "Where do you see this, my Hero? Where do you see this, secretary of the order of Kagomei, eyes of the Valour-Keeper?"   "I have seen these in eyes and hands of Meihomei, that helped her set up the Treaty of Lai Dang, that helped us negotiate with allies as friends. This very ship, taken to foreign shores by ME-30 Meihomei and ME-25 Nameihomei. Where Kagomei's star was dim, but was made to shine, by shrewd dealings and fair, by friendly exchanges and military exercises agreed on."   "All of that is true, and agreed upon, you see merit and valour? Name it, for you are our eyes."   "i call forward CI-08 Vice-undersecretary Lusitania Van Pelt and Ci-07 Auxiliary Vice-Undersecretary Linnaeus Van Pelt."   "Exalted Secretary of the Order of Emerald , even more exalted company, indeed, if there is a higher company to be seen in all of Kagomei, it must be the The High Twenty-Five, first-circle. You do us too much honour, we were simply serving Nameihomei, as her deputies, as is proper."   "Except a mere deputy isn't left alone with me and a pair of nations at war. Or organize a convention of nations that ends up being a treaty of every interested nation in Arnd. Both of you here have served Great Kagome, Signally. This is our gratitude. Be known among the worthies of Kagomei as having served in the highest possible way, you are now Emerald Knight of Great Kagome Linnaeus Van Pelt and Knight-Officer of Great Kagome Lusitania Van Pelt."   "We are not worthy.  My brother and I were doing our jobs."   "Why here? It is my ship, I know it's propaganda value."   "You do, or you wouldn't have ridden it to meet the world at Lai Dang, creating so many minor incidents when you brought a missile carrier and Moniq felt they had to bring a Flycarrier."   "Xiang said that?"   "She wouldn't, but... I asked her why she had brought a flycarrier and she said she had to, or she would have felt naked when you brought Kagomei. Kagomei is the only head of state whose 'pleasure yacht' is included in twelve treaties."   "My pleasure yacht I need permission from half my state apparatus to enjoy. At that point, I asked for a pair of Flycarriers as escort, since I go big or I go home."   "Well, with 550 sailors on it, being half a division by itself, and carrying the destructive power to level a smaller nation, I mean 96 hammers?"   "Hush, how many case pinks my yacht can carry is classified, I've had a very competent Nessuna try to resign when i told her it was my business not hers."   "Auntie, it's only a pleasure yacht in he sense that a rock sometimes floats. The rest of the time it wrecks your enemies."   "My Hero, who says it isn't both?"   "Silly me"   "The best part of being Meihomei, I don't have to choose. And I know what you're trying to say, but the other side of that medal is that as the only chief of state who even owns one of these, because of that kidnap attempt on mother, your grandmother, I get a reputation, other chiefs of state don't think I'm messing around. I went to Lai Dang on Great Kagome for that reason."   "And it wasn't an accident you pulled me and the rest of sixth fleet either."   "Actually, I pulled you from third fleet, you pulled sixth fleet by yourself."   "So that was the honours for this year?"   "Yes, I don't have anyone else to reward just now, with green. Which is why the season of visiting ambassadors is about to start."   "Why are those matters related?"   "Scheduling, I always defer scheduling all my diplomatic meetings until I've dealt with internal matters in the new year at least."  

"May I announce, her Glory, the Arch-duchess of Bramant-Reigundy, Annunzia Dell'Auro." There was polite applause.

  "Welcome back to Kagomei, Arch-duchess. What good fortune brings you back?"   "Amarat doodle-bug mentioned a festival happening in Kagomei, I was morbidly curious, and decided to schedule my next visit to your Empire for it."   "He told you the date?"   "Err, no, that was Ninu, all that Amarat said was the season it would be in."   "Unfortunately, our festival, shared with the Nisei, has been postponed."   "Oh, no, I guess I shall have to inflict myself on the poor boy then."   "Amarat's no longer a boy, he hasn't been for some time."   "He'll always be the boy who claimed my first kiss, to me."   "Besides, the official festival's been postponed, the unofficial festival has not."   "What unofficial festival is that?"   "You know, you partook last year, in the beginning of each year, I fete my guests on my personal yacht, touring the coasts of Kagomei."   "I remember you doing so, I had no idea I wasn't the only one though..."   "You were the first last year, as well, our Eurani neighbours always seem to enjoy visiting this time of year."   "Ugh, yes, there's snow in Bleg now."   "Heavens, snow?"   "Well, yes, Kagomei being on the equator, I imagine you never have the dreadful white?"   "Oh, only in the highest mountains, it's very rare here. And I would be surprised if you didn't bring your swimsuit."   "My host knows me too well, I so love to swim."

Power Generation

160 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Banks

2km2 of floating solar cells


8 12-bladed Byzance shaft works propellers

Weapons & Armament

24 Hammer four-tube launchers, with 240 M-12 Nail Missile reloads.

Armor and defense

96 close-in weapon systems: Yubari rotary coilguns

Communication Tools & Systems

Classified, but known to be compatible with Eye in the Sky C3


Classified, but known to be compatible with Eye in the Sky C3

Additional & auxiliary systems

Carries diplomatic ciphers, and diplomatic-trained cypher clerks, at all time.

Carries the 'casho ball', a remote console for arming any 'doomsday weapons' Kagomei may have. Only Nameihomei would know, besides Amalthea, and she's not telling.

Hangars & docked vessels

6 Sea-Cheetah-class Gunskycutters for search and rescue

I never miss!
Unique, the plans have been destroyed
65000 tons
Complement / Crew


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