Intercontinental Occult Diplomacy

"You coming?"

"Sure, how do I look?"

"You look fine, it's not like fans at an Intercontinental Occult Diplomacy concert look at each other much.

"Why not?"

"You have to ask? It gets in the way of the mosh pit..."


"You're the one insisting on coming, Flora, why would a mosh pit generate such a reaction?"

"Like you're the smallest guy I know, won't you get bounced?"

"Oh, I've been going to these concerts since I was a kid, never had a problem..."

"You were never a cute married guy before..."

"I don't think the guys in the mosh pit will notice that much..."

"What? Just guys?"

"Well, not just guys, but it's usually 4 guys to a girl in there..."

"Any of the guys get grabby?"

"Not intentionally, that I've found..."

"Could... we skip the mosh?"

"Might as well skip the concert, it's almost all mosh..."

"I never figured you for the type..."

"I'm not really..."

"But you want to go? There must be a reason..."

"Oh, they kinda call me out to the crowd in the pit if I'm there... I've been the band mascot since I was old and tall enough to enter their concerts."

"So that's why I'm the one who's their fan, but you're the one insisting we go?"


"I've been going to their concerts since their second, I knew all about that mosh pit, I just didn't understand why you'd want to go."

Entertainment, Music band


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