
"Just look at Kruk, she's so precious." ShibuĂ© was just walking in with Linni, after their workday, and happened upon Kruk napping in a patch of sunlight under the temple room window.   "Aw, yes she's a cute furbaby."   "Mew."   "She woke up?"   "She probably heard you say her name."   "What?"   "Even while asleep, she's never as asleep as we are, you'd be surprised how aware she is while counting forty winks."   "Just her?"   "No, all adult cats, for sure, the jury's out on kittens, seems they sleep for real. We're not sure when they stop."   "You didn't try an experiment, see if they woke up?"   "Sounded cruel to experiment on... my guests, I guess."   "Your guests?"   "Part of the Kitten-Ra's oath is that you forswear treating kitties like property, ever. They're my guests."   "Do you extend that to Jor-Jie?"   "In a sense, she's a noisy, stinky cat who doesn't know better, at least as far as the others are concerned, I try to treat her like they do."   "Noisy?"   "Out of the water, in the water they all admire her skill."   "How can you tell?"   "Well, within a cat colony, a groomer and groomed is a power relationship. With the higher rank being held by the groomed, unless he's a kitten who doesn't know better, but those are valued above an adult who does know better, usually."   "So the highest are the kits, then their mother, from what I've seen of the others grooming her?"   "Raven's got the number one spot unless her mother or grandmother is around, or her aunt."   "What about her dad? Or their dads."   "Not members of the colony, so low status. If they were, they'd live with us."   "What, so Danilo never was a member of the colony?"   "No, I had to keep them seperate when they basically voted him out, I should have known it was because as an adult male, he's a potential threat to kittens."  


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