Meihomei's Life Day

It is by my will, at my instruction, and in full accordance with my wishes, that this dispatch be sent to all the outposts of the Kagomine Empire, honouring Andei Dandelion, and promoting him to the rank of NFOF-09 Nessun for his selfless dedication to Duty and improvement of my Navy.

It is also my will that Kagomine Sixth Fleet receive my bronze star of readiness for an unprecedented three years in row.

— Meihomei, Dispatches, Meihomei's Life Day, 815

"You ok? You're gritting your teeth."


"I'm gritting my teeth because of course frickin Meihomei gave us a medal, we're the only casualties in the entire armed forces! We paid, we paid big!"


By coincidence, one of the three founders of Kagomei: Innu Yesugai, was born on 1 Unciem, 25K. To honour him, Analecta Kagome Kira Takahashi, when she assumed the throne, did it on what would have been his 25th birthday.   Over time, 'founding day' and 'birtharndate' of a founder got mixed up, and now the day is only known as Meihomei's Life day, and legally replaces Meihomei's actual birth date. On this day, Meihomei is expected to renew any brevets appointments, or name new holders for same. Anyone mentioned in dispatches on this day is also considered to have been "The unsung hero" of the year, someone whose accomplishments have been hitherto unsung.


The program of the day is set in stone:
  • Low Tcha with Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Nameihomei, Prime Minister and Secretary of the Interior, at the Prime Minister's official residence
  • Writing the dispatches from which "mentioned in dispatches" are named
  • Authorize the last quarter-arnd's worth of promotions and medals
  • Announce a small tax break(usually) that wasn't in the budget, but that won't make it go over budget, either.
  • Announce the focus of the coming year
  • Participants

    Most actions are Meihomei's, supported by the entire civil service, it is also a legal holiday, where most employees have a day off.


    It is the official day of the beginning of the year in the Kagomine calendar, aka Calendar of Meeroku. Most Kagomine pay attention to the palace on this day, either expecting some rival or friend to benefit, some announcement of tax relief, the focus of the coming year being of interest to them, or more than one of the above. It's considered bad luck not to announce some token tax relief on the occasion, and so Meihomei tends to announce one even if small.
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