Nice And Precise Union of Trade Concerns

"Brothers, sisters, we shall come to order!"   "But Prime Meridian, Minister Thrush..."   "Is for now a useful distraction. We shall leave him where he distracts our enemies."   "But he has not suffered sufficiently! not for what he did, he has failed us!"   "While he is yet alive that can still be remedied. Silence! We have much more important matters to discuss. Like how they turned Minister Shamztli against us."   "She us no threat!"   "Of course not, but she was a useful dupe, attracting attention away from our true goals!"   "You should have kept me in the loop then." Spoke Irmagard from the corner of the room. Surely as interior Minister i could have been more useful as a willing pawn than an unwilling dupe."     "You will go where we lead, or you will he replaced, young lady. We are in control here."   Go on believing that, old fossil, Irmagard thought to herself. Real leaders give hope.   "We have another item to discuss... The new legislation on handgun control.
Financial, Merchant League


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