Representative to the Assembly of Eurani

"So what does a Representative do?" Flora tried to ignore the pounding in her head.   "Oh, we speak in parliement, and vote, and we kiss babies, convince businesses to relocate and the usual shenanigans I guess would be handled by a Count in Kagomei..."   "A count?"   "A... Legendary..."   "Oh, I wouldn't know, I've lived in Megamisama all my life..."   "Oh? How is that different?"   "The local lord is Meihomei or the Bameimeito, so I'm not sure how the other lords handle it..."   "And the Bameimeito is the young gentleman with you now?"   "Well, you've lived in Megamisama all your life until last year... When you moved in with me."   "I still can't say you're representative of most Lords, it's not like you are common by any measure."   "Megamisama-Domei is as you pointed out, is also an outlier."   "Yeah, not that Veneer is that common, it's like the hive of vice on the coast."   "..."   "I love your Feyd, dear, but it's a rough city, full of gamblers."   "We only bet on sure things in my family."   "Ah ah, I guess the trust fund is a kind of a safe bet..."   "Err, so you've only lived in uncommon places in Kagomei, places where a normal lord doesn't exert generally accepted levels of influence?"   "Yeah, that's about it."   "That makes my explanation a bit more complicated, a Representative has very legally limited legal powers, but I do have some. I also vote as directed by my constituents or my platform in general parliament."   "And how do you get there?"   "Well, you convince others to give you money, money for transport, campaigning, for fund raising dinners and such, which are expensive, for Museums named aftetr other poiticians, the usual tasks, for the usual suspects."
Civic, Political


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