Singing for their wings

A ritual where a cadet or student pilot is taken out by his social group, and made to sing, while intoxicated, the implication being that he may be just as impaired(by g forces, lack of oxygen, etc...) and should be prepared. If he flubs during the song(but can still walk) it's considered a sign he's not taking his training seriously enough.   Ai, Ai! Come on Down! Ai, Ai! Down Throttle! Ai, Ai! Circle Around! Ai, Ai! Turn the throttle, bye bye.   Call the tower, Ai Ai. Sing for supper, nein nein. Drink some ale, avoid the gale. Fly in the storm, sleep in your dorm. G-forces ail you, don't let the enemy assail you!   Sly, sly! Enemy's Fly! Ply, ply! Trader supply! Sly, sly! Enemies sly. Fly, Fly! Go Home, Fly.


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