
At Veneer Academy for Lifeguards:    
"Soblet, Soblet, nidaram."   "Ankiwi."
  "This was the first hint we had of anything being remotely fishy. They started using codes, codes we hadn't known of before, and couldn't easily break. Turns out it's actually a dyad of codes, one side uses one codebook, related to the hour and the phases of the moon, the person replies to them using a different code, related to shipping times at the local docks. And make no mistakes, it's 'local', different wards of the city have different docks and so different codes." Spoke the tired tones of the teacher's precise elocution.   "Did we crack the codes? And if so, why didn't they change them?" The annoying student on the second row asked, as usual, an obvious question.   "We cracked the codes for the Blue Streaks and took them down. We're trying to do the same with the Silvertips, but their codes are more intricate and involve jade bank support. Experts evaluate them as 256 bits length sponge construction-based cipher. Can anyone tell me what this means?"   "We can't listen to them yet?" Said obvious student.   "Well, that and?"   "It tells us about their technical support, resources and capabilities?" The shy girl in the third row had won scholarships on her own technical acuity, the teacher knew at once this wasn't an exaggeration. "Precisely, and why would we want to know this?"   "It might let us infer who they are, or at least, the identity of someone in their technical departments, Sponge Constructs aren't widely known or used yet,"   "And how would we go about this?"   "Jade Bank, huge query parameters, dissatisfied cryptographers... assessed at 12 the level of above in crypto fields... specific topic sponge constructs." The teacher couldn't believe it, no one had tried to do this before? And the student was doing it live in class, teaching everyone just how it was done.   "Query successful, three results returned, all results classified, Whisper Cabernet level, only one person has this level in the audience, cannot share results, please reformulate query.."   "Whisper Cabernet?" The teacher thundered, while the students giggled... Whisper Cabernet was the clearance assigned to the legendary spy Jack Paper. "What is the meaning of this?"   "Whisper Cabernet authority recognized, Bow Jhuemon Natrel do you wish to declassify material for this audience?"   "Belay that nonsense, and file a request for clarification, I want to review the classified materials myself, for accuracy and classification, in my quarters, after this class. In the meantime, Jade Bank, enumerate known, unclassified information about Silvertips."   "Silvertips, known criminal organization, currently wanted in relation with five murders, including two magistrates and chief lifeguard officer Diefend Trumel which they have sent communications claiming credit for, requesting that the lifeguards "back off". Little is known of membership in the Silvertips , their nominal leader The Payback has never been formally identified or charged with any crime. Its main lieutenants, the squares, are similarly unknown. Minor members of the group are arrested regularly, but maintain silence and refuse to identify themselves or other members of the group. Activities suspected to be linked to the group include extortion, protection rackets, prostitution and the Blue Tcha trade. Comparatively to other criminal groups, Silvertips are thought to be more strongly organized, more numerous, but less likely to turn ultra-violent than other groups, unless the matter is 'personal'. Recording concludes."


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