Willnessoy Abbey

"Welcome to Willnessoy abbey, I am Abbott Flandral Grayvetrain, I will be your Sun'ga today, what can we get you to start the meal?"

"So a tour first, perhaps, we are early for the meal?"

"Ah, of course, please come this way. The Abbey predates Kagomei as a nation by about three hundred arnds. When we were founded, the sheep of Innu were kept for their meat, not their wool, their properties hadn't been discovered. Similarly, our abbey's unique beer was not known outside the walls for some time."

"Why would an abbey make beer instead of something stronger?"

"Oh, we do, we make our own grain alcohol, and have made it for as long as we've made beer."

"What's it called?"

"Willnomore Shiskey, have you partaken, Zim?"

"I've only ever had Sahnké and Sohngu, is it similar?"

"Similarly potent, but not alike."

"What? You never had Kagomine spirits, but you had foreign?"

"I try not to drink at home."

"Let me guess, you've had dozens of kinds of Aqua Vitai and can tell a Benevento from a Brescian without opening the bottle!"

"Err, yes, that's what labels are for of course!"

"Silly man, so there's no difference?"

"Of course there's differences between Escor Grog and Sardé brainwiper, and Benevento Via Estellar."

"Where and when did you learn those differences, Amarat?"

"When I was young, and didn't know better three brescian princesses thought daring me to do things was great fun."

"Oh Ninu dell'Auro too?"

"She enjoyed it more than her elders."

"Is that why you never drink more than a glass of wine, with me?"

"It is part of the reason, and it is to my mind, a compliment."


"They needed drink to generate excitement, you just breathe and you do it."

"Silly flatterer!"

"You do make my life more interesting, with them, that was my job, and I wasn't that good at it."

"Why not?"

I'm lazy, sometimes I like to enjoy someone else's excitement, you know?"

"You've earned being courted too, at least a little..."

"Am I being courted, herevallin mine?"

"I'd say we've courted each other, and then we both won..."

"We're about ready for that Fren Alla Friulia I've heard you do well, despite being in the Kagomine heartland."

"Well, we have our own interpretation, the meat is basted in our Shiskey for two hours before being put in the oven."

"Don't let the Friulans hear you say that."


"They're pretty hardcore about wanting noble-rotted white wine being the only way to flavour Friulan fren. Your way sounds interesting and legit to me though."

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