Sterngate Temple Organization in Arnerec | World Anvil

Sterngate Temple

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The Sterngate Temple is part of the Fortress of Sterngate in the east of Breland.   It is the base of the Sword of Light group of the Order of Light and as such is the largest of the military aligned temples.   It is in and of itself a fort, and has large hospital and healing facilities, barracks, armoury, training rooms and yards, ballistae, a huge dining hall and kitchens and the planning and leadership sections for all of the Sword of Light.   The Temple is designed to be held even if the fortress falls, and one of the places the soldiers and people can flee to. It has enough food and supplies for 6 months.   Function
Sterngate is a part of defending Breland from falling to chaos and evil, it part of the plan to spread out the Order of Light leadership across Breland to protect them from single source destruction, and it is also a major training location for Sword of Light warriors and clerics.   Quite a few obles are sent here for military training, and a select few are taught the Psi fighting styles of the Path of Light. Some parents just send their children here for training in responsibility, order, self control as much as military skills.   It is a tough training facility, and whilst the Order is benevolent, the arm that fights Aberrations, the Dreaming Dark and other vile creatures cannot brook insubordination or lack of clarity and tenacity. However, unlike many other military type institutions, they also teach the Path of Light principles of compassion, honour, respect and humility, and are open to questions and ideas from their trainees.
Sterngate temple is where Killian ir'Demell was sent to board and learn self-control.   It is here he learn his Psi skill and embraced his passion for it.

Sterngate Temple

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