Adamantine Cobra

This creature resembles a small, metallic cobra. Its body is made of overlapping metal plates, and its eyes are pinpoints of red light.

Adamantine Cobra (CR 3)

Small Construct
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: +2
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Low-Light Vision; Perception +0
  Speed: 40 feet
Space: 5 feet


Armor Class: 25, touch 13, flat-footed 24 (+2 Dex, +12 natural, +1 size)
Hit Points: 20 (1d10+15)
Saving Throws: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0
Damage Reduction: 10/-
Immunity: construct traits
Spell Resistance: 13


Melee: bite +3 (1d6+1 plus poison)
Reach: 5 feet


12 (+1) 15 (+2) - - 11 (+0) 1 (-5)
Base Attack Bonus: +1
CMB +1
CMD 13 (can't be tripped)
  Skills: Stealth +12 Languages:
  Special Qualities: find target


Special Abilities

Find Target (Su)

Once per day, an adamantine cobra's creator can order it to find and kill a specific creature within 1 mile, which it does as if guided by discern location. The creator must have seen or be holding an item from the specified creature for this order to function.


(Ex)An adamantine cobra's bite injects poison from a hidden reservoir within its body. Because it is a construct, the cobra does not naturally produce this poison, and its creator must refill this reservoir manually. The reservoir holds enough poison for 3 successful bite attacks, after which the creature merely deals bite damage. Refilling the reservoir takes 5 rounds and provokes attacks of opportunity. The creator can fill the reservoir with any injury poison (typically black adder venom), though acid, alchemical substances, and even stranger liquids have been used. Black Adder Venom: Bite-injury; save Fort DC 11; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con damage; cure 1 save.


Environment: Any
Organization: solitary, pair, or nest (3-10)
Treasure: none

  An adamantine cobra's body is built from 100 pounds of magically treated materials including adamantine armor plates, once slain it can be melted down to yield 3 lbs.
  An adamantine cobra's body is built from 100 pounds of magically treated materials.
  Adamantine Cobra CL 7th; Price 8,000 gp
  Construction Requirements Craft Construct, animate object, discern location, geas/quest; Skill Craft (armor), Craft (blacksmithing), Craft (weapons) DC 15; Cost 10,000 gp


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