
This creature appears to be a withered humanoid wrapped in decaying and rotting bandages. Upon close inspection, what appeared to be bandages are actually loose folds of the creature's skin. A sour-smelling odor fills the air around the creature.

Adherer (CR 3)

Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Initiative: +3
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet; Perception +5
  Speed: 30 feet, Climb 10 feet
Space: 5 feet


Armor Class: 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 natural)
Hit Points: 30 (4d10+8)
Saving Throws: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +5
Damage Reduction: 5/-
Spell Resistance: 14


Melee: 2 slams +6 (1d6+2 plus Grab)
Reach: 5 feet
  Special Attacks: Grab (Large)


14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 4 (-3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)
Base Attack Bonus: +4
CMB +7 (+19 Grapple)
CMD 19
  Feats: Agile Maneuvers, Combat Reflexes
  Skills: Climb +10, Craft (cloth) +3, Craft (traps) +1, Perception +5, Stealth +11 Languages: Aklo
  Special Qualities: adhesive


Special Abilities

Adhesive (Su)

A weapon that strikes an adherer becomes stuck fast to the creature's adhesive flesh unless the wielder succeeds at a DC 14 Reflex save. A creature adjacent to the adherer can attempt to pry off a stuck weapon with a DC 17 Strength check, but doing so provokes an attack of opportunity from the adherer. The adherer's adhesive flesh gives it a +8 racial bonus on grapple checks. It can attempt to grapple a foe without spending an action whenever a creature successfully hits it with a natural attack or an unarmed strike. An adherer does not gain the grappled condition when it grapples a foe, nor does it provoke attacks of opportunity when it attempts to do so. Fire can temporarily burn away an adherer's adhesive coating-whenever an adherer takes at least 10 points of fire damage, it loses its adhesive special quality for 1d4 rounds. Universal solvent, alchemical solvent, or a similar fluid removes an adherer's adhesive quality for 1 hour if it fails a DC 15 Reflex save, or for 1d4 rounds if it makes the save. The adherer's skin loses its adhesive quality 1 hour after the adherer dies. An adherer can release anything stuck to it as a free action. The save DCs are Constitution-based.


Environment: Any Temperate or Underground
Organization: solitary, gang (2-5), or nest (6-12)
Treasure: standard

  Adherers look vaguely like embalmed and mummified corpses wrapped in dirty linen, but they are in fact otherworldly beings of an entirely different nature. Transformed by hideous processes on the Ethereal Plane, their bodies are riddled with tiny, adhesive strands that can stick to anything, allowing adherers to bind their enemies' weapons and capture living creatures for their depraved rituals.
  Though once human, adherers have forgotten all traces of humanity, and now hunt their former kindred with gleeful abandon. Adherers digest food unusually slowly, and as such can feed on a single creature (humans are their favorite meal) for days or even weeks, taking only one or two bites a day and forcing their living captives to endure a hellish, drawn-out death.