Alchemical Sapper

Alchemical sappers are trained to create explosives.
  Diminished Alchemy: An alchemical sapper can prepare one fewer extract of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, they can prepare extracts of that level only if their Intelligence allows bonus extracts of that level.

Class Skills

An alchemical sapper adds Knowledge (engineering) and Stealth to their list of class skills.
  This alters the alchemist’s class skills.

Demolition Bomb (Su)

At 1st level, an alchemical sapper can create a demolition bomb. This bomb deals double their normal bomb damage, half of which is bludgeoning and piercing damage, the other half of which is fire damage.
  This bomb ignores a number of points of Hardness up to 1/2 the alchemical sapper’s level (minimum 1). This counts as an ability that modifies the alchemical sapper’s bomb, so it doesn’t stack with other discoveries that modify bombs. The alchemical sapper can’t use their demolition bomb with the fast bombs discovery. An alchemical sapper can only expend one use of their bomb class feature to create a demolition bomb once per day. They can create one additional demolition bomb per day at 5th level and every 4 alchemist levels thereafter.
  This ability modifies bomb.

Delayed Bomb (Su)

An alchemical sapper gains the delayed bomb discovery at 1st level. They do not qualify for the mutagen or cognatogen discoveries until 8th level.
  This ability replaces mutagen.

Master Engineer (Ex)

At 2nd level, an alchemical sapper adds 1/2 their alchemist level to Knowledge (engineering) checks, Craft (stonemasonry) checks, and Craft (traps) checks.
  This ability replaces poison resistance.

Camouflage Bomb (Ex)

At 3rd level, an alchemical sapper becomes skilled at hiding their bombs. When deploying a delayed bomb or Trip mine (see below), the alchemical sapper can camouflage the bomb by taking an additional Full-Round Action. Creatures searching for traps must succeed at a Perception check (DC = 10 + the alchemical sapper’s alchemist level + their Intelligence modifier) to notice a camouflaged bomb.
  This ability replaces swift alchemy.

Trip Mine (Su)

At 6th level, an alchemical sapper can expend two uses of their bomb class feature to prepare a special kind of trap called a Trip mine. This special bomb remains inert until 1 round after it leaves the alchemical sapper’s possession, after which time it becomes armed. When a creature enters a square containing an armed Trip mine, it explodes, dealing normal bomb damage to all creatures in its square (DC = 10 + 1/2 the alchemical sapper’s alchemist level + their Intelligence modifier; Reflex half ) and splash damage to every creature adjacent to that square. A Trip mine can be disarmed with a successful Disable Device check (with a DC equal to the Trip mine’s save DC otherwise, it lasts until the next time the alchemical sapper refreshes their daily bombs.
  If the alchemical sapper expends four uses of their bomb class feature, their Trip mine deals damage as per a demolition bomb; this does not count against their daily uses of the demolition bomb ability. Other than demolition bomb, discoveries that modify bombs cannot apply to Trip mine.
  This ability replaces the discovery gained at 6th level.

Selective Detonation (Su)

At 10th level, when an alchemical sapper plants a Trip mine, they can designate a number of allies up to their Intelligence modifier, allowing the designated allies to pass safely through an armed Trip mine’s square without causing it to detonate. If another creature triggers the Trip mine while an ally is nearby, the ally still takes damage as normal.
  This ability replaces poison immunity.

Parent Class



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