Amaunator (Dead)

Amaunator was the Netherese solar deity of order, the sun, law, and time. He was viewed as a harsh but fair deity, revered by many rulers, soldiers, and powerful wizards in ancient Netheril.
  It has been claimed by some that Lathander, the Astoran god of the sun, is an aspect of the long-dormant Amaunator, and many within Magna Pativa worship Lathander as such.



Amaunator's avatar, whose skin shed golden light, looked like a lanky, silver-white haired, and short man with a white tenday growth of beard clad in a long, flowing, black or purple gown with silver or gold trims, the uniform of a magistrate. He always equipped himself with two tools: a scepter and a legal tome in either hand. The former was the scepter of the eternal sun, which doubled as his melee-weapon.
  Amaunator's avatar wore a magistrate's uniform, and appeared holding a legal tome and a scepter, the scepter of the eternal sun.
  He once owned an oak staff with astral diamonds at the base and a sun-shaped one on the head that was worth 23,000 gp.


Amaunator is viewed as a stern and unforgiving deity dedicated to law and order above all else. Though not concerned with balanced natural order like Silvanus, he instead advocates for kept promises, contracts, and even that political order be kept among the gods.

Amaunator tends to ignore the spirit of the law in favor of the letter of it. His adherence to law is such that he knowingly does nothing to stop the fall of Netheril because he lacks contractual power to do so.

Divine Realm

Amaunator's divine realm, the Keep of the Eternal Sun, is located on Mechanus. He loses, with the fall of Netheril, enough followers to die of neglect. His death robs his ability to maintain his divine realm and his corpse is ejected to the Astral Plane.


Amaunator preaches that people need to follow laws to the letter. The reason for this is the belief that laws are the foundation on which any society is built on and disrespecting law will inevitably cause the collapse of any society. The same adherence is also extended to traditions.

The Yellow God also teaches that people have to familiarize themselves with law to get an understanding how to act in a proper manner that saves them from getting punished. He also wants people to be organized individuals who meet their commitments and are always on time.

His message also extends to hierarchies mortals make for themselves. The Keeper of the Eternal Sun tells his followers to adhere to their superiors. The idea behind it is that faithful service will yield them rewards while failure to do so leads to punishment. That said, people are told to keep tabs on their superiors' decisions. This is to increase the number of precedents to draw from and help to standardize rulings and with it the relevance of Amaunator's message.


Priests of Amaunator encouraged the establishment of lawful order and bureaucracy in the world at large. They were called on to witness contracts and apply a signatory stamp with the symbol of Amaunator to verify its validity.


Amaunator was the judge over the Pantheon Contour in the Netherese pantheon. He was named the god of time on the basis of a mispunctuation. He never acted on this claim for he did not want to be on bad footing with Mystryl who was the goddess of time in practice.
  After returning, he was served by Siamorphe as his exarch and lived with Waukeen on his astral domain Eternal Sun.
  Apparently, he found Sune attractive.


Before Karsus's Folly
  Amaunator was a greater deity during the days of ancient Netheril. He was the one who judged over the Pantheon Contour, an agreement between deities. After Karsus's Folly
  When Netheril fell, Amaunator's worshiper-base shrunk to Netheril's lower and middle class. These people abandoned his faith for they believed that he knowingly did nothing to stop the disaster. They were correct about it. The reason why the Yellow God did nothing was because he had no legal basis to do so. Per divine contract, magic was Mystryl's domain on which he had no right to infringe upon. With his worshiper-base gone, his faith continued to shrink over the time. He dropped from greater deity-status to lesser deity-status and from there to dead power-status over a millennium. His inability to maintain his divine realm caused it to cease existing and the Keeper of the Eternal Sun became one of the corpses on the Astral Plane. This all would have happened around 661 DR, for the fall of Netheril was in −339 DR.
  On the mortals' side, various theories were concocted to explain Amaunator's non-existence. Starting with having moved to somewhere else than Faerûn like another world or Kara-Tur's pantheon to having become or absorbed by something else like At'ar the Merciless or Lathander.

Amaunator (Dead)

Dead Power

Basic Information

The Yellow God
Keeper of the Yellow Sun
Keeper of the Golden Sun
Keeper of the Eternal Sun
Keeper of the Sun
Keeper of Law
Light of the Law




Sun with a face on the disk




Favored Weapon
Light Mace






Favored Aspects

Birds of prey, especially sunfalcons
Cream-colored cats
Pure white wolves
Tan dogs
White stallions
  Golden lilies
Yellow-eyed daisies

Dragons (emerald, sapphire, and steel)

Any red-colored gem

Manifest- ations
Thirteen giant hyenas
  Woman dressed in a dress with a scale on it



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