Appearance Of Life, Greater

Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Cleric */Oracle * 5, Sorcerer */Wizard * 5, Warlock * 5
Components: V, S, M (one Tiny or larger living creature)
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: touch
Target: one willing undead creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will disbelief or Will negates, see text
Spell Resistance: no
  This illusion makes an Undead creature of Medium size or smaller appear as if it were a living humanoid creature.
  When you create the llusion, you choose the races, genders, and attire for the undead creatures. Additionally, the illusion makes the undead creatures' movements appear lifelike (two shuffling zombies could be made to appear as two strolling lovers). The illusion creates smells, sounds, textures, and temperatures to match the appearance.
  Undead with Intelligence scores can attempt a Saving Throw to negate the effect of the spell, but mindless undead do not.
  Any creatures interacting with the illusion receive a saving throw to disbelieve the illusion. If the target is disguised as a living version of itself, the save is made at a -5 penalty. This penalty does not apply to any creature the target has attacked. The illusion interferes with Detect Undead, requiring the caster to succeed at a Caster Level check (DC = 11 + your Caster Level) for the spell to determine the creatures are undead.