
Aquanaut fighters master the movement of water, using its flow to their advantage in combat.

Armor Proficiency

An aquanaut is proficient with light and medium armor, but not with shields.
  This alters the fighter’s armor proficiency.

Piercing Focus

If an aquanaut takes a fighter bonus feat that normally requires selecting a single weapon (except weapon proficiency feats), they can instead apply the feat to all melee piercing weapons with which they are already proficient and that meet all other prerequisites for that feat. This ability counts as having the feat for each such individual weapon for the purpose of meeting prerequisites. This ability also applies to the weapon mastery class feature.
  This alters bonus feats and weapon mastery.

Tidal Celerity

At 2nd level, an aquanaut gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves and saving throws against effects that would immobilize or paralyze them. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd.
  This ability replaces bravery.

Aquadynamic Paragon

At 3rd level, an aquanaut gains a swim speed equal to their unmodified base land speed (if they have a racial swim speed, they instead increase it by 10 feet) and can choose to have neutral buoyancy once per turn as a Free Action. At 7th level, they can choose any of the five states of buoyancy once per turn as a Free Action, and can take their buoyancy movement as part of that Free Action instead of at the end of their turn without becoming off-balance and without requiring a Swim check; additionally, they can choose to double or halve how far a current moves them. At 11th level, whenever they take a move, double move, Withdraw, or Run action underwater, they can leave a current behind them in the squares along their path; this current has a speed of 10 feet in the direction of their movement (if their movement was circuitous, so is the current) and lasts until the beginning of their next turn. At 15th level, as a Full-Round Action, an aquanaut can spin ferociously underwater, creating a whirlpool around them with a spinning force that drags all creatures within 120 feet of them 30 feet closer to them. Creatures closer than 30 feet spend the 30 feet of movement circling around the aquanaut in a single direction of their choice. The whirlpool isn’t fast enough to deal damage, but the aquanaut is unaffected by their own whirlpool, allowing them to make attacks of opportunity against creatures moving in it. At 19th level, the aquanaut learns to use the water around them to soften blows, gaining DR 5/— while underwater.
  This ability replaces armor training and armor mastery.

Underwater Training

At 5th level, an aquanaut chooses bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing melee weapons. If they choose piercing melee weapons, they gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with those weapons when attacking underwater. If they choose bludgeoning or slashing melee weapons, they can ignore the usual underwater penalties for attacking with those weapons. At 9th and 13th levels, they can choose another type of melee weapon, applying this ability’s initial benefit to their new choice and gaining an additional +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls to their previously chosen weapon types. At 17th level, they gain an additional +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with all three types.
  This ability replaces weapon training.

Parent Class



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