Armor Modifications

The dwarven master smiths of Astora constantly refine new techniques to further upgrade the heavy armor worn by their brethren on the front lines. In addition to increasing the armor’s base cost and weight as set out below, each individual upgrade reduces the wearer’s speed by 5 feet; the Slow and Steady dwarven racial ability enables Dwarves to ignore the associated speed penalties. The listed costs are for including these modifications on nonmagical armor; increase the cost by 50% if adding them to a suit of magical armor.  


The artistry of armor design lies not just in how well it protects its wearer, but in how widely or unexpectedly its angles can deflect an opponent’s blows. When an attacker’s failed strike causes his weapon to ricochet outside of his natural guard position, there is a momentary window of opportunity where the opponent is vulnerable to the wearer’s counterstrike.   Whenever an opponent strikes at the wearer with a bludgeoning or slashing melee weapon and misses by 5 or fewer, the wearer gains a +1 Circumstance Bonus on their next Melee Attack roll against that opponent. This attack must be made in the next round or the bonus is lost.   Cost: +1,000 gp
Weight: +10 lbs.   In addition to increasing the armor’s base cost and weight, this upgrade reduces the wearer’s speed by 5 feet; the Slow and Steady dwarven racial ability enables Dwarves to ignore the associated speed penalties. The listed costs are for including this modification to nonmagical armor; increase the cost by 50% if adding to a suit of magical armor.  


Opponents who swing too hard at this armor soon learn to regret it. The jarring shock that runs up the attacker’s arm as their weapon connects makes it feel as though they have just struck a wall.   Whenever an opponent with a melee weapon strikes at the wearer using a Power Attack and misses by 5 or fewer, they must make a Fortitude Save or be Sickened until the end of their next turn. The save DC is 10 plus the bonus that Power Attack would have applied to the damage roll if the attack been successful.   Cost: +1,000 gp
Weight: +20 lbs.   In addition to increasing the armor’s base cost and weight, this upgrade reduces the wearer’s speed by 5 feet; the Slow and Steady dwarven racial ability enables Dwarves to ignore the associated speed penalties. The listed costs are for including this modification to nonmagical armor; increase the cost by 50% if adding to a suit of magical armor.  

Vital Guard

A truly well-designed armor reinforces its defense in the most vulnerable locations.   Whenever an opponent scores a critical threat against the wearer, treat the wearer’s armor bonus as +2 higher than normal for the confirmation roll.   Cost: +500 gp
Weight: +15 lbs.   In addition to increasing the armor’s base cost and weight, this upgrade reduces the wearer’s speed by 5 feet; the Slow and Steady dwarven racial ability enables Dwarves to ignore the associated speed penalties. The listed costs are for including this modification to nonmagical armor; increase the cost by 50% if adding to a suit of magical armor.


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