Armor Spikes

Cost: +50 gp
Weight: +10 lbs.

  Adding spikes to your armor allows you to use it as a weapon, as detailed below. Armor spikes can only be added to armor capable of mounting them, and as such most cloth or fully articulated armor (such as chainmail) cannot support them.

Spiked Armor

Damage: 1d4 (small), 1d6 (medium)
Critical: x2
Type: Piercing
Category: Light
Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Group: Close
  Armor spikes deal extra piercing damage on a successful Grapple attack. The spikes count as a martial weapon. If you are not proficient with them, you take a –4 penalty on Grapple checks when you try to use them.
  You can also make a regular Melee Attack (or off-hand attack) with the spikes, and they count as a light weapon in this case (You can’t also make an attack with armor spikes if you have already made an attack with another off-hand weapon, and vice versa).
  An Enhancement Bonus to a suit of armor does not improve the spikes’ effectiveness, but the spikes can be made into Magic Weapons in their own right.


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