Aroden's Spellbane

Level: Sorcerer */Wizard * 9
Components: V, S, F (cold iron scepter worth at least 1,000 gp)
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: 10 ft.
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: see text
  One of many spells originally created by the Last Azlanti before he became a god, Aroden's spellbane creates an area within which spells selected by you simply do not function.
  Select one spell per five Caster Levels at the time of casting.
  The spells selected cannot be changed after the spell is cast. Aroden's spellbane otherwise functions like Antimagic field, except its emanation only prevents the functioning of the selected spells. Only the exact spells mentioned are affected-a spellbane set to prevent the casting of summon nature's ally II would not prevent castings of summon nature's ally I or summon nature's ally III. If you move into an area where a previously cast spell you have selected as a banned spell is in effect, that spell is affected as if by Antimagic field. If the spell affects a summoned creature that has spell resistance, you must make a Caster Level check against the creature's spell resistance to make it wink out.
  Aroden's spellbane can even negate an Antimagic field, another Aroden's spellbane, or any spell that specifies immunity to Antimagic field (such as wall of force, prismatic sphere, and prismatic wall). Multiple spellbane effects can overlap.
  Their effects stack, preventing the functioning of every spell targeted by any of the multiple spellbane emanations. Spell effects created by artifacts or deities cannot be suppressed by Aroden's spellbane.