Artifact Hunter

You seek an artifact-either a specific one or merely any item of legendary prowess-with dogged tenacity.


You must have come within sight of a legendary artifact at some point in your past.


You gain a +2 bonus on Use Magic Device checks when emulating a class feature, ability score, race, or alignment. If you have 10 or more ranks in Use Magic Device, this bonus increases to +4. In addition, once per day, instead of attempting a Use Magic Device check normally, you can choose to determine the result as if you had rolled a 15. If you have 10 or more ranks in Use Magic Device, you can use this ability twice per day.


Claim ownership of an artifact.

Completion Benefit

You learn how to coax the most out of your magic items. Three times per day when you activate a use-activated or command word magic item, you can increase the item's effective caster level by +2 as a free action. You can use this ability once per round.

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