Banishing Blade

Level: Antipaladin* 4, Bloodrager * 4, Inquisitor * 5, Magus * 5, Paladin * 4, Shaman * 5, Sorcerer */Wizard * 5, Summoner * 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: one melee weapon
Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged
Saving Throw: None and Will partial, see text
Spell Resistance: yes, see text
  You imbue a weapon with the power to drive foes back. The first time each round the weapon strikes a creature, the weapon attempts a free Bull Rush Combat Maneuver Check against that creature. This does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. The combat maneuver for the Bull Rush is equal to 1d20 + your Caster Level. You do not have to move to push creatures more than 5 feet with this Bull Rush. If a creature you strike has spell resistance, you must attempt a Caster Level check to overcome its spell resistance the first time you strike it. If you fail, that creature is immune to the effects of this casting of banishing blade. The first time each extraplanar creature whose Hit Dice don't exceed your Caster Level is driven back at least 10 feet by this spell, it must attempt a Will Save. If it fails, it is sent back to its home plane. Whether it succeeds or fails, that creature is Staggered for 1 round and banishing blade's duration ends.