Battlefield Equipment

Battlefield equipment covers items such as siege towers, battering rams, mobile fortifications, and the like. Unlike any other units, these do have operators as part of the unit, and must be manned by other units to be used.  

Special Features

Battlefield equipment are considered structures, and can only be damaged by artillery or units with the siege attacker Combat Unit Special Quality unless otherwise stated.   The only attributes most battlfield equipment have is health and movement speed.   Battlefield equipment must be manned in order to move or activate, requiring an infantry, ranged, or hybrid unit to do so. A unit manning battlefield equipment have a -5 to attack and defense while manning it, and must spend their action to move or activate the equipment. unmanning a battlefield equipment is typically either a move or free action, and is stated in each type's description.   Battlefield equipment does not have an upkeep cost, but is typically constructed for a particular battle, and then deconstructed afterwards.   Most battlefield equipment is mobile, else it is considered a Battlefield Feature.  

Battlefield Equipment


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