
A massive block of stone rolls ponderously forward on great stone rollers. Iron plates armor this stone monstrosity, the front of which is studded with spikes of iron, adamantine and stone. Great stone clubs capped in iron sprout from loopholes in the sides like the arms of a giant. The top of this huge structure is a platform surrounded by stone merlons to provide cover for any defenders riding upon it. At the back edge of this platform extend two chains that end in great stone spheres that spin on a pivoted base and lay waste to anyone behind the mobile fortress.

Battlehulk (CR 13)

Huge Construct (Good)
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: -4
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Low-Light Vision; Perception +0
  Speed: 10 feet ( charge)
Space: 15 feet


Armor Class: 27, touch 4, flat-footed 27 (+2 armor, -4 Dex, +21 natural, -2 size)
Hit Points: 177 (25d10+40)
Saving Throws: Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +8
Damage Reduction: 15/adamantine
Immunity: acid, cold, electricity, fire, construct traits (+40 hp)
Spell Resistance: 20


Melee: ram +38 (4d8+22) and 4 slams +38 (2d10+15)
Reach: 5 feet (10 feet with slams)
  Special Attacks: bull rush, charge, ram, sweep, Trample (8d8+44, DC 37)


40 (+15) 3 (-4) - - 11 (+0) 1 (-5)
Base Attack Bonus: +25
CMB +42 (+46 Bull Rush)
CMD 48 (52 vs. Bull Rush, can't be tripped)
  Feats: Greater Bull Rush, Powerful Maneuvers

Special Abilities

Bull Rush (Ex)

If the battlehulk is charging it can opt to make a bull rush attack without provoking an attack of opportunity. If the bull rush is successful, the defender is automatically pushed back the distance that the battlehulk moves forward past his position. The battlehulk does not require a check result of 5 or more higher than the defender's check result to determine how far back the defender can be pushed. The battlehulk can bull rush as many opponents as occupy the squares in its path of travel with the usual -4 penalty to additional combat maneuver checks.

Charge (Ex)

Each round a battlehulk double moves in a straight line, it adds an additional 10 ft. to its speed as its weight and inertia propel it forward. It can reach a maximum speed of 80 feet in this way. A battlehulk can stop after charging only by striking an unyielding obstacle (like a mountain) or by gradually slowing. It can reduce its speed by 10 feet per round as it slows its momentum. A battlehulk can only turn when going at a speed of 30 feet or less. If traveling downhill on a steep slope, the battlehulk accelerates twice as fast (i.e. it goes from 10 feet, to 30 feet, to 50 feet, etc.) and decelerate twice as slow (i.e. it takes 2 rounds to decelerate from 80 feet to 70 feet and so on). Likewise if traveling up hill on a steep slope it decelerates twice as fast and accelerates twice as slow.

Immunities (Ex)

A battlehulk is immune to acid, cold, electricity, and fire and confers this immunity to anyone sealed within its inner compartment.

Ram (Ex)

The ram attack of the battlehulk is with the ironplated and spike-studded front face. The damage this attack deals is considered both piercing and bludgeoning. Because of the different metal compositions used in the spikes and enchantments placed on this front facing, this attack is both cold iron and adamantine and is considered magic and good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. This attack is particularly useful against evil outsiders.

Sweep (Ex)

As a full round action a battlehulk can make a bull rush attack with each of its slamming arms on targets within range without provoking attacks of opportunity. Each stone arm is considered a Large creature for this purpose and has a combat maneuver bonus of +45. The flail on the back is also capable of making this bull rush attack on any targets atop the platform (roll separately for each target). Anyone moved off the platform results in a 15-foot fall to the ground below for 1d6 points of damage.


Environment: Any Plains Deserts
Organization: solitary
Treasure: none

  Battlehulks are constructs crafted for war. They were created by the Army of Light to roll over enemy lines, smash enemy fortifications and, if necessary, fight toe-to-toe with even the mightiest balor demon. It resembles a squat stone building surmounting massive stone rollers that provide it mobility. From embrasures in the sides (one on each side and one in back) project long stone arms capped in iron that the construct uses for slam attacks. In addition at the upper edge of the back is a massive swivel-mounted double flail that also provides a slam attack. The front is studded with many spikes for ramming opponents. Defenders can ride atop the platform and obtain cover from its merlons while firing down on enemy troops. Normally they would lower a rope or ladder to allow other riders on - otherwise it requires a DC 25 Climb check (DC 35 if the battlehulk is moving).
  The battlehulk is able to reach those atop it with its flail slam if enemies reach that position, though not with its club slams. In the center of the platform is a secret door (DC 25 Perception check to locate) leading to an interior chamber large enough to hold two Medium creatures. This compartment is sealed against water and air and holds enough air to supply two Medium creatures for 10 minutes before the door must be opened again or suffocation begins. Ordinarily the controller would ride here. Anyone opening this door other than the controller must make a DC 40 Strength check or deal 60 points of damage against a Hardness 8. These hit points are not deducted from the battlehulk's total. Slaying the controller does not stop the battlehulk, which continues to carry out the controller's last command. A battlehulk is a 15-foot cube atop three 5-foot diameter stone rollers. It weighs about 50,000 pounds.
  A battlehulk is nonintelligent and has no forms of communication, taking direction telepathically from its controller. It rolls with a grinding rumble, crushing anything in its path. Despite its bulk it is able to maneuver well since its rollers are able to swivel individually to some extent. A battlehulk is a terror to behold in combat, and very few will willingly stand against one. Entire enemy formations are often routed by the mere presence of a battlehulk on the field. Against obstacles and large masses of troops, the battlehulk usually attempts its bull rush, ram, and trample attacks, flailing with its slamming arms at any who linger near. Against smaller groups it divides its slam attacks against those within range and focuses its ram and trample attacks at those who appear to be inflicting the most damage.
  Construction A battlehulk is constructed from a single block of granite and exotic metals and processes that cost 10,000 gp. When created it is attuned to an amulet or ring that is worn by a controller who can command the battlehulk telepathically within a quarter mile.
  BATTLEHULK CL 18th; Price 250,000 gp
  CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Construct, bull's strength, geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, align weapon, creator must be caster level 18th; Skill Craft (sculptures) or (stonemasonry) DC 18; Cost 70,000 gp.
  Credit Original author Greg A. Vaughan Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/ Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)


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