Black Market Dealings

You walk dark alleys and trade in secrets.


You gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to access black markets and do not pay the gp cost to do so. You suffer no consequences for failing the check unless you fail by 10 or more. In addition, you can use the Diplomacy skill to locate merchants who have deeper pockets in a black market or settlement. If you are looking inside a black market, the DC is equal to the black market's access DC. If you are looking more widely in a settlement, use the black market's access DC + 5 (if a settlement has no black market, the DC is 30; PCs can apply the settlement's Crime modifier to their checks). If successful, you can treat the black market or settlement as one step larger for the purposes of base value, items available, and purchase limit. If the settlement was already a metropolis, nearly all minor and medium magic items are for sale, as well as 3d8 major magic items; the base value is 32,000 gp; and the purchase limit is 200,000 gp. If the black market was already an underworld, nearly all minor and medium magic items are for sale, as well as 4d8 major magic items; the base value is 64,000 gp; and the purchase limit is 300,000 gp. This benefit does not stack with other ways to increase the effective size of a black market or settlement (such as the black market connections Rogue talent). You can attempt this check only once per week.

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