
This creature appears as a vile serpent with dark scales and reddish eyes.

Boalisk (CR 4)

Large Magical Beast
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: +7
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +8
  Speed: 20 feet, Climb 20 feet, Swim 20 feet
Space: 10 feet


Armor Class: 16, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, -1 size)
Hit Points: 47 (5d10+15 plus 5)
Saving Throws: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2


Melee: bite +9 (1d8+7 plus Grab)
Reach: 5 feet
  Special Attacks: Constrict (1d8+7), gaze


21 (+5) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)
Base Attack Bonus: +5
CMB +11 (+15 Grapple)
CMD 24 (can't be tripped)
  Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness
  Skills: Acrobatics +7 (+15 balance), Climb +13, Perception +8, Stealth +10, Swim +13 Languages:

Special Abilities

Gaze (Su)

Those within 30 feet that meet the boalisk's gaze must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract black rot. Black rot-gaze, Fortitude DC 15; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/minute; effect 1d3 Con damage; cure 1 save.


Environment: Warm Forest or Aquatic
Organization: solitary
Treasure: none

  Lurking in misty jungles and along dark riverbanks, the boalisk is a vile serpent that can cause death and pestilence with but a gaze. A boalisk is a constrictor snake 12 to 30 feet long with dark scales interspersed with pale green and yellow daubs of color to help it blend in with its surroundings on the forest floor. The eyes of a boalisk are large and reddish in color.
  A boalisk hunts by grabbing prey with its mouth and then squeezing with its powerful body. More powerful opponents (or if the boalisk has recently eaten) will be attacked with the boalisk's gaze attack.
  Credit The Boalisk originally appeared in the First Edition module S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1982) and later in the First Edition Monster Manual II (© TSR/Wizards of the Coast, 1983) and is used by permission.
  Copyright Notice Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.


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