Bumblebee Worker, Giant

This is a giant-sized bumblebee, much larger than its normal sized counterpart.

Bumblebee Worker, Giant (CR 3)

Large Vermin
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: +2
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Tremorsense 60 feet; Perception +5
  Speed: 20 feet, Fly 60 feet (good)
Space: 10 feet


Armor Class: 15, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, -1 size)
Hit Points: 32 (5d8+10)
Saving Throws: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2
Immunity: mind-affecting effects


Melee: sting +6 (1d8+6 plus poison)
Reach: 5 feet


18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) - 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
CMB +8
CMD 20 (+28 vs. Trip
  Skills: Fly +4, Perception +5, Survival +1 (+5 to keep from getting lost) Languages:

Special Abilities

Poison (Ex)

Sting-injury; save Fortitude DC 14; frequency; 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.


Environment: Temperate Forests or Plains
Organization: solitary, buzz (2-5), or hive (11-20)
Treasure: none

  Giant bumblebees generally behave like their much smaller relatives, building underground nests and burrows. Workers collect nectar and pollen and build or repair the burrow while the queen creates a brood chamber where she lays her eggs. The queen lays her eggs over the entire summer months.
  In late summer and early autumn, the eggs hatch, forming new drones and queens. Both drones and queens leave the nest to mate with other bumblebees. A giant bumblebee is about 8 feet long with a black body striped with yellow bands.
  Giant bumblebees are generally passive creatures. If threatened however, or if their nest is disturbed, they respond by stinging their opponents.
  Copyright Notice Author Scott Greene.


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