Burst With Light

Evocation [light]
Level: Artificer * 4, Cleric */Oracle * 4, Paladin * 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round/4 levels
Saving Throw: see text
Spell Resistance: yes
  The target becomes filled with intense magical light, taking 2d6 points of damage as the light bursts from its wounds and orifices (if the target is an undead creature, it instead takes 2d8 points of damage). In addition, the creature radiates bright light in a 30-foot radius and increases the light level by one step for an additional 30 feet beyond that area-Darkness becomes dim light, dim light becomes normal light, and normal light becomes bright light. Creatures that take penalties in bright light take them while within the 30-foot radius of this magical light. A successful Will Save halves the damage and negates the light effect. For every 4 character levels you possess, the light continues to fill the creature for another round (to a maximum of 5 rounds at 20th level), though the target may make a Will Save each round to halve the damage and end the effect. Any creature adjacent to the target that fails its save and takes damage takes half as much damage and is Blinded for 1 round. A successful Reflex Save halves this damage (to a total of one-quarter the damage taken by the target) and negates the blindness effect.