Call Truce

You can passionately entreat your enemies with the aim of making combat unnecessary.


Charisma 15, Persuasive, Diplomacy 5 ranks.


While in combat, as a 1-round action (as if it were a spell with a 1-round casting time), you can call for a truce with any creatures that have an Intelligence score of 4 or greater and can understand you. When doing so, you can't be wielding a weapon or threatening implement, such as a charged spell, wand, or anything else the creatures you are entreating might consider threatening. You must also be in plain sight of most the creatures you are entreating.
  Once you've called for a truce, if any of your allies attack or take any threatening action against those you are entreating before the start of your next turn, your call is unsuccessful.
  At the start of your next turn, attempt a single Diplomacy check (DC = 30 + the Charisma modifier of the creature with the highest Charisma modifier in the opposing group). If you are successful, combat ceases for 1 minute, or until any creature in the opposing group is threatened or attacked.
  If you fail the check by 5 or more, you cannot use Diplomacy again with any creature you attempted to entreat for 1d4 hours. If anyone in your group instead plans to use the parley to gain a combat advantage, the opponents can attempt a Sense Motive check against each such member of your group to get a hunch, with a DC equal to either 20 or the result of that character's Bluff check, whichever is higher.


If the parley would inherently result in the opponents surrendering or losing, if the opponents are mind-controlled or fanatics, or if there are other appropriate circumstances at the DM's discretion, you might not be able to use this feat. For instance, if the opponents' main advantage over your group comes from a short-duration spell that would end during a parley, you cannot use this feat. Circumstances could potentially increase the check's DC by 5, 10, or even up to 20.

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