
You combine your knowledge of geography with the art of teleportation.


Knowledge (geography) 10 ranks, ability to cast greater teleport.


If you cast greater teleport-or similar teleportation effects that require a reliable description of the location-but do not have a reliable description of the destination, you can attempt a DC 25 Knowledge (geography) check prior to casting the spell to gain a reliable description of some location within 100 miles of the destination. If you exceed the DC by 10, you gain a description of some location within 50 miles, and if you succeed the DC by 20, you gain a description of some location within 25 miles. Once you have attempted such a check for a specific location, you cannot attempt it again, and if you attempt to use greater teleport elsewhere in the same general area, the result is the same. For instance, if you don't know the location of the villain's castle, you also don't know a location within 100 miles of the stables next to the villain's castle, or within 100 miles of the town half a mile away from the villain's castle.

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