
An absolute master of disguise, a chameleon effortlessly blends into any environment. Whether disappearing into crowded city streets, vanishing into desert sands, or slipping into the Darkness of subterranean tunnels, the chameleon relies upon their ability to become part of their surroundings.

Misdirection (Ex)

At 1st level, a chameleon begins their career knowing that the secret to disappearing lies in deceiving the senses of their observers. Every day they gain a pool of stealth points equal to their ranks in Bluff. These points refresh at the start of each day. Before making a Stealth check, they can choose to put stealth points into the roll, gaining a bonus on Stealth checks equal to the number of stealth points they put into the roll. If they gain a bonus on Bluff checks because of a feat (such as Skill Focus [Bluff ]), they add a number of points to their stealth pool equal to the bonus the feat grants.
  This ability replaces trapfinding.

Effortless Sneak ()

At 3rd level, the chameleon chooses a single terrain from the ranger’s favored terrain class feature. While they are within that terrain, they can take 10 on any Stealth check they can make within that terrain. When the chameleon reaches 6th level, and every three levels thereafter, they choose a new type of terrain from the ranger’s favored terrain list. They gain this ability with the newly picked terrain.
  This ability replaces trap sense.
  Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complement the chameleon archetype: camouflage, fast stealth, quick disguise, and terrain mastery.
  Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue talents complement the chameleon archetype: hide in plain sight and master of disguise.

Parent Class



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