Clockwork Companion

Some classes can craft themselves one or more clockwork companions. These constructs serve their creators dutifuly, carrying out any tasks they commands without question. As a free action, a creater can direct their companion to attack particular enemies, use specific tactics or abilities, perform other basic actions, or do nothing at all. The companion always does exactly what its creator directs it to do. When left without orders, it will continue to perform its last commanded order or do nothing if it can no longer do so. The construct will defend itself if attacked unless commanded not to by its creator.   The companion's abilities are determined by their creator's level and its base traits. The clockwork companion base statistics table determines many of the base statistics of the companion, and the rest are provided in the stat block of each type of companion.   Crafting a clockwork companion requires 4 hours work and 200gp worth of raw materials per hit die. A destroyed companion can be repaired (assuming its parts can be retrieved) ib half the time and at one quarter the cost.  

clockwork companion base statistics table

Hit Dice

This is the total number of ten sided (d10) hit dice the companion possesses.

Base Attack Bonus

This is the companion's Base Attack Bonus. A companion's base attack bonus is the same as their creator of a level equal to the companion's HD.

Fort/Ref/Will Saves

These are the companion's base saving throw bonuses. A clockwork companion has no good saves.

Natural Armor Bonus

The number noted here is an improvement to the companion's existing natural armor bonus.

Str/Dex Bonus

The value given here is added to the companion's base Strength and Dexterity scores.

Clockwork Defender

Construct Traits

  • Immunity to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, etc.), poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects.
  • Cannot heal damage on their own.
  • Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, precision damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, or exhaustion.
  • Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
  • Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hp or less.

Darkvision 60 ft

The clockwork defender has darkvision out to 60 feet.


If the clockwork defender makes a successful reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage.

DR 5/Adamantine

The clockwork defender takes 5 less points of damage from any physical attack, save those from adamantine weapons.

Combat Reflexes

The clockwork defender can make an additional number of attacks of opportunity equal to its dexterity modifier (minimum 1).

Slam Attack

The clockwork defender attacks with a single slam attack each round, dealing 1d8 damage plus 1.5 times its strength modifier.

Improved Clockwork Companion

when their creator reaches 7th level, their clockwork defender gains the following additional abilities:
  • Improved Reach: The clockwork defender gains a reach of 10 ft. with its natural attacks.
  • Halt Movement: When the clockwork defender makes a successful attack of opportunity in reaction to an opponents movement through its threatened squares, that opponent must make a reflex save (DC = 10 + damage dealt) or stop as though they had expended all remaining movement for that action.

Masterwork Clockwork Companion

When their creator reaches 13th level, the clockwork defender gains the following additional abilities:
  • Fortified Hull: The clockwork defender's Damage Reduction increases to DR 15/- and it gains Spell Resistance equal to their creator's level plus their intelligence modifier.
  • Improved Evasion: This ability works like improved evasion, except that while the clockwork defender still takes no damage on a successful save, it also takes only half damage on a failed save.

Clockwork Soldier

Construct Traits

  • Immunity to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, etc.), poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects.
  • Cannot heal damage on their own.
  • Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, precision damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, or exhaustion.
  • Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
  • Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hp or less.

Darkvision 60 ft

The clockwork soldier has darkvision out to 60 feet.


If the clockwork soldier makes a successful reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage.

Martial Weapon Proficiency

The clockwork soldier has proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, and can use any of them one handed. While a clockwork solder has two hands, they cannot effectively wield two handed weapons, and can only attack with a single one handed weapon each round. The clockwork soldier gains extra attacks with this weapon resulting from a high Base Attack Bonus.

Improved Clockwork Companion

when their creator reaches 7th level, their clockwork soldier gains the following additional abilities:
  • Twin Arm Synchronization: The clockwork solder gains the ability to effectively wield two handed weapons as well as the ability to dual wield weapons. When wielding two or more weapons they gain the benefits of the two weapon fighting feat.

Masterwork Clockwork Companion

When their creator reaches 13th level, the clockwork soldier gains the following additional abilities:
  • Auxiliary Arm Implementation: The clockwork soldier gains a third arm. This arm can be used to attack with an additional weapon at the same penalty as a normal offhand attack, or it can be used to activate an embedded gadget with an activation time no greater than a standard action in addition to making attacks with its other arms during a full attack action.

Clockwork Bombardier

Construct Traits

  • Immunity to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, etc.), poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects.
  • Cannot heal damage on their own.
  • Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, precision damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, or exhaustion.
  • Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
  • Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hp or less.

Darkvision 60 ft

The clockwork bombardier has darkvision out to 60 feet.


If the clockwork bombardier makes a successful reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage.


The clockwork bombardier has one of two possible ranged attacks. The type is chosen when it is crafted, and changing it requires half the time and gold investment of making a new clockwork companion.
  • Energy cannon: This weapon can be fired as a standard action and deals 1d6 damage per 3 HD of the clockwork bombardier with a successful ranged touch attack. The weapon has a medium range (100 ft + 10 ft/HD). The damage type is either fire, cold, electricity, or acid. When their creator recharges their gadgets each day, they can also choose to change the type of damage this attack deals.
  • Light Ballista: This weapon fires customized bolts, each dealing 1d10+1 damage with a range increment of 100 feet. A clockwork companion's creator can craft and enchant these bolts in the same manner and at the same cost as regular crossbow bolts. When using a full attack action, the clockwork bombardier gains the benefit of additional attacks resulting from a high base attack bonus.

Improved Clockwork Companion

when their creator reaches 7th level, their clockwork bombardier gains the following additional abilities:
  • Area Denial Weaponry: The clockwork bombardier's energy cannon can optionally fire shots that explode, damaging everyone in a 10 foot square. This shot does not require a ranged touch attack, but allows a reflex save for any in the blast for half damage. The DC of the save is 10 + 1/2 the construct's HD + their creator's intelligence modifier.
  • Split Shot: The clockwork bombardier's ballista can fire two bolts simultaneously. These bolts use the same attack roll at a -2 penalty, cannot be used against the same target, and must be fired within a 90 degree arc of each other.

Masterwork Clockwork Companion

When their creator reaches 13th level, the clockwork bombardier gains the following additional abilities:
  • Shaped Charge: The explosive shots of the clockwork bombardier's energy cannon now damage everyone within a 20 foot radius, and can alternatively fire in a 120 foot line extending from the clockwork bombardier, damaging all those in its path. Both of these modes allow the same reflex save for half damage.
  • Tri-Bolt Thrower: The clockwork bombardier's ballista can now fire up to three bolts simultaneously. The bolts still use the same attack roll at a -2 penalty for each bolt beyond the first, but can now be used against the same target, or up to three targets within a 90 degree arc.

Clockwork Assassin

Construct Traits

  • Immunity to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, etc.), poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects.
  • Cannot heal damage on their own.
  • Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, precision damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, or exhaustion.
  • Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
  • Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hp or less.

Darkvision 60 ft

The clockwork assassin has darkvision out to 60 feet.


If the clockwork assassin makes a successful reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage.


The clockwork assassin makes a single attack with a stinger each round, dealing 1d4 damage plus its strength modifier.

Weapon Finesse

When attacking with its stinger, the clockwork assassin can add its dexterity modifier to its attack roll rather than its strength modifier.

Sneak Attack

When attacking a target that it has flanked or is denied their dexterity modifier, the clockwork assassin can deal an additional 1d6 precision damage to it. It adds an additional 1d6 precision damage for every 2 HD above 3 they have (2d6 at 5HD, 3d6 at 7HD, 4d6 at 9HD, etc.)

Improved Clockwork Companion

when their creator reaches 7th level, their clockwork assassin gains the following additional abilities:
  • Invisibility Field: As a full round action, the clockwork assassin can become invisible for 1 minute per HD. This invisibility is broken if it takes any hostile action, like the invisibility spell. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to their creator's intelligence modifier.

Masterwork Clockwork Companion

When their creator reaches 13th level, the clockwork assassin gains the following additional abilities:
  • Twin Stingers: The clockwork assassin gains an additional stinger, and can attack with both as a standard action.


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