Construct Saboteur

The construct saboteur harnesses arcane energy to combat the golems and eldritch guardians that prowl the depths of ancient ruins and forgotten tombs.
  Class Skills: A construct saboteur has Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (engineering) but does not have Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Knowledge (local) as class skills.
  This alters the rogue’s class skills.

Arcane Strike (Ex)

A construct saboteur gains Arcane Strike as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.
  They use their construct saboteur class level in place of their caster level for the purposes of the feat’s effects.
  This replaces trapfinding.

Arcane Sabotage (Su)

At 2nd level, a construct saboteur can user their arcane prowess to hinder constructs.
  Whenever they use Arcane Strike to attack a construct, they can activate one of the following sabotage abilities that they have gained. They gain one sabotage ability at 2nd level and can thereafter select any sabotage ability in place of a rogue talent. The DC for any sabotage ability that requires a saving throw is 10 + half the construct saboteur’s level + the construct saboteur’s Intelligence modifier.
  Diminish Senses: A jolt of energy overwhelms the construct’s senses. The construct is Blinded for 1 round. A construct saboteur can forgo dealing sneak attack damage to extend the duration of the blindness by 1 round for every 2d6 points of sneak attack damage forgone in this way. A construct can negate this effect with a successful Will Save.
  Magic Vulnerability: A field of energy enshrouds the construct, disabling its immunity to magic for 1 round.
  The construct instead gains spell resistance equal to 15 + its CR. A construct saboteur can forgo dealing sneak attack damage to reduce this spell resistance. The construct’s spell resistance is reduced by 1 for every 1d6 points of sneak attack damage forgone in this way. A construct can negate this effect with a successful Will Save.
  Overwhelming Jolt: A sudden burst of power moves over the surface of the construct, giving it the Staggered condition for 1 round. A construct can negate this effect with a successful Will Save.
  Slowing Pulse: A surge of slowing energy ripples through the construct, reducing its speed by 5 feet for a number of rounds equal to the construct saboteur’s Intelligence modifier. A construct saboteur can forgo dealing sneak attack damage to reduce the construct’s speed by an additional 5 feet for every 1d6 points of sneak attack damage forgone in this way. This ability cannot lower a construct’s movement speed below 5 feet. A construct can reduce the duration of this effect to 1 round with a successful Reflex Save.
  This replaces the rogue talent gained at 2nd level.

Dismantling Strikes (Ex)

At 3rd level, a construct saboteur ignores the first 2 points of DR or Hardness when attacking constructs. This value increases by 2 every 3 levels after 3rd, to a total of 12 points of DR or Hardness ignored at level 18.
  This replaces trap sense.

Parent Class



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