Corsair (Fighter)

A corsair is a pirate who focuses on shipboard combat relying on their Strength of arms over their agility. They specialize in traditional pirate weapons, but often wear heavier armor than is normally seen on a ship. A corsair moves and fights easily in their armor, however, even in the water. Captains value corsairs because of the skill they exhibit in defending the ship and in boarding actions.
  The corsair is an archetype of the fighter class.

Pirate Weapons (Ex)

A corsair is well versed in the types of weapons favored by pirates. When selecting a group of weapons for their Weapon Training ability, they can select Pirate Weapons as a group.
  The Pirate Weapons group consists of the crossbow, cutlass, dagger, hook hand, rapier, and short sword.

Deck Fighting (Ex)

A corsair is used to fighting on crowded decks, and isn’t fazed by fighting multiple opponents at once. At 2nd level, they gain Cleave as a bonus feat. They may use this feat even if they do not meet the prerequisites. A corsair does not take the normal –2 penalty to their AC when using the Cleave feat.
  This ability replaces the fighter’s 2nd-level bonus feat.

Armored Pirate (Ex)

A corsair wears heavier armor than is common aboard a ship. At 3rd level, the corsair reduces the armor check penalty of any light armor they wear to 0 for purposes of Acrobatics and Swim checks. At 7th level, this becomes true of medium armor as well. At 11th level, it includes heavy armor.
  This ability replaces armor training.

Improved Deck Fighting (Su)

At 6th level, the corsair gains Great Cleave as a bonus feat. They may use this feat even if they do not meet the prerequisites. A corsair does not take the normal –2 penalty to their AC when using the Great Cleave feat.
  This ability replaces the fighter’s 6th level bonus feat.

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