Diabolic Humiliation

(Style, Combat)
Your humiliating strikes decrease a foe's morale.


Combat Reflexes, Diabolic Style, Vital Strike, Improved Unarmed Strike or Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), base attack bonus +8 or Monk, Astoran level 7th.


When you successfully stagger a foe with an unarmed strike using Diabolic Style, the target becomes further humiliated. The target cannot gain the benefit of any Morale Bonus for 1 minute after being Staggered in this way, and for the duration of that minute, any additional Staggered effects it suffers from your attacks of opportunity last for 2 rounds rather than 1. The durations of multiple Staggered effects administered in this way stack.


A Monk, Astoran of at least 10th level with this feat can select Improved Vital Strike as a Monk, Astoran bonus feat.

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