Discretion Specialist

Often brought in to handle messy situations, discretion specialists deal with bodies, inconvenient witnesses, and other loose ends. Many organizations employ them to cover up activities that might be unpopular—should they become known to the general populace.
  This archetype is appropriate for both core and unchained rogues.

Fast Talker (Ex)

A discretion specialist adds half their rogue level (minimum +1) as a bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
  This replaces trapfinding.

Obfuscation (Su)

A discretion specialist is highly skilled at convincing others not to trust their own senses. At 3rd level as a Full-Round Action, the discretion specialist can convince one living creature within 30 feet that up to 5 minutes of their memories from the past hour are unreliable. If the target fails a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half the discretion specialist’s rogue level + their Intelligence modifier), the target is convinced that those memories didn’t happen or that they're confusing the memories with a dream (or are otherwise hazy as to the memories’ reality).
  Each hour after the discretion specialist uses this ability, the target can attempt a new Will saving throw to realize that their relevant memories have been tampered with, although not necessarily that the discretion specialist was the originator of the tampering.
  The discretion specialist can use this ability once per day, and one additional time per day for every 5 rogue levels they have. At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the discretion specialist can obfuscate memories from an additional hour in the past (to a maximum of 6 hours at 18th level).
  This replaces trap sense (for a core rogue) or danger sense (for an unchained rogue).

Evidence Disposal ()

A discretion specialist can cover up a corpse’s cause of a death—or dispose of it entirely. At 4th level, the discretion specialist gains the ability to cast dress corpse as a spell-like ability, using their rogue level as their caster level. They can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day for every 5 rogue levels they have (to a maximum of five times at 20th level).
  At 12th level, they can spend two uses of this ability to disintegrate a corpse entirely as a Full-Round Action, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust (a disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected). The target cannot be an undead creature. A corpse disintegrated this way cannot be brought back to life except by resurrection or more powerful magic, including miracle or wish.
  This replaces the rogue talents gained at 4th and 12th levels.

No Loose Ends (Ex)

At 4th level, the discretion specialist can prevent opponents from escaping. Opponents damaged by the discretion specialist’s sneak attack are unable to take the Withdraw action for 1 round, though they can still move as normal.
  At 8th level, a creature damaged by the discretion specialist’s sneak attack is hampered in casting spells of the teleportation subschool (such as dimension door) as well as using methods of magical transport such as shadow walk. A target attempting to cast such a spell before the end of the discretion specialist’s next turn must succeed at a concentration check (in addition to any concentration checks required for casting while threatened or other circumstances) or lose the spell. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + half the discretion specialist’s rogue level + their Intelligence modifier.
  This replaces uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge.
  Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complement this archetype: camouflage, charmer, convincing lie, honeyed words, and quick disguise.
  Advanced Talents: The following advanced talents complement this archetype: hide in plain sight and master of disguise.

Parent Class



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