
This sylvan creature resembles a 5-foot tall elf with brownish-tan skin, large pointed ears, and brown eyes.

Dobie (CR 4)

Medium Fey
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Initiative: +7
Senses: Low-Light Vision; Perception +11
  Speed: 30 feet
Space: 5 feet


Armor Class: 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 natural)
Hit Points: 33 (6d6+12)
Saving Throws: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron
Weaknesses: vulnerability to fire


Melee: longsword +4 (1d8+1/19-20)
Reach: 5 feet
  Spells Known (CL 11th; melee touch +27, ranged touch +17):


12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 15 (+2)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
CMB +4
CMD 18
  Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will
  Skills: Bluff +11, Craft (any one) +7, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +12, Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (nature) +10, Perception +11, Perform (dancing) +8, Stealth +12
  Languages: Common, Sylvan
  Special Qualities: size alteration


Special Abilities

Size Alteration (Su)

At will as a standard action, a dobie can change its size between Medium and Large. Weapons, armor, and other objects on the dobie's person grow proportionally when it changes sizes (objects revert to normal size one round after a dobie releases them). When a dobie becomes Large, its speed increases to 40 feet, it gains +6 Strength, -2 Dexterity, and +4 Constitution, and takes a -1 size penalty to AC. A dobie can use this ability only in its natural environment. If a dobie leaves its natural environment while enlarged, it immediately reverts to its normal size. Additionally, an enlarged dobie that takes 10 points of fire damage or more from a single fire effect immediately reverts to its normal size. It cannot enlarge itself again for 3 rounds after being hit by a fire effect.


Environment: Temperate Forests
Organization: solitary or pair
Treasure: standard (longsword, other treasure)

  Dobies are forest creatures believed by some to be the offspring of a spriggan and a dryad, though most learned sages brush this off as simple folklore. They are generally good-natured creatures and aid good-aligned or neutral creatures in need. Creatures they encounter destroying their forests or slaughtering its denizens are attacked almost immediately without question.
  Dobies build their homes deep within the forests they protect. Though their homes are generally secluded so prying eyes don't disturb them, they always fashion them in such a way that allows the dobie to keep a watchful eye on its domain at all times. Dobies are solitary creatures; if more than one is encountered they are likely a mated pair. Dobies mate for life.
  Dobies stand about 5 feet tall but can alter their size to attain heights of 10 feet. They dress in brightly colored clothes and overcoats of green, brown, red, and tan. Dobies can live to be 600 years old, generally reaching maturity around age 100.
  Dobies enlarge themselves at the start of combat, seeking to gain any advantage they can over their enemies, attacking with both weapons and spell-like abilities. If the battle is going against a dobie, it uses its summon ability to bring forest creatures to its aid and to cover its escape.


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